Sunday 7 October 2018

Laughter in the rain

Three tea towels
What to do on a rainy afternoon with 3 grandsons
 Latest library book
I enjoyed The Ice Twins 
 I saw this book on Sue's blog
and thought it would make a great Christmas present
Thanks Sue for your post, as always an interesting read. 
The tea towels I purchased last month, I want to make myself a lovely Christmas shopping bag, using the red towels. The third towel I have decided to make two small child's bags, I made Will an Easter bag, which he loves, so again he will have one bag here and one at home, the bag here is full of dinky cars.
Friday was a day with hubby, we sat and read for a while in the afternoon, which we both love, and finally it's something I do without any guilty feelings, for a long time I would want to get everything done before relaxing, and we have decorating in the sitting and dining rooms to get done, but these days I am happy to slow our pace down.
Saturday hubby went off on his motorbike, it's RTTW time, I've been twice before, click on the link to see more, this time he went with his eldest son, and other riders for the Guards riding club, so weekend alone for me. I do love my hubby, but I love home alone time.
Three grandsons spent the day with me, Josh and Sam (who are the two oldest boys, brothers) and Will (our youngest), they all played together, loads of laughter, Pizza and chips for lunch. It was raining all day, very good for the garden, but we were unable to get out to our planned visit to Portchester castle, so loads of cars everywhere,  the sitting room looked like a toy shop.
Today I am meeting youngest daughter for a coffee at a local garden center, I am looking for a hellebore or another winter colour plant to put in my big pot, down by the steps to my greenhouse. 


  1. I have been getting back to my crafty self and it’s taken years after building this house. So I think I’m going to order the same book. I think I might make some Christmas presents this year. One thing I have decided, and it doesn’t always work out, but I’m doing chores around the house Monday through Thursday and Friday through Sunday I’m doing what I want. That doesn’t mean I don’t cook or do dishes or make the bed, but it does mean I can spend as much time reading or crafting on those days with no guilt. I used to be the same as you. I wanted every thing done around the house before guilty pleasures. This house is never done!

  2. There seems to be lots of Christmas crafting happening now, I've got a pair of Christmas socks on the needles but I don't think I'm making any for gifts this year, perhaps just for my dad. Enjoy your coffee with your daughter, I hope you find a plant you like.

  3. Sounds like the boys had a wonderful time playing together. Hubby and I enjoy sitting quietly with our books or a game of sudoku, it’s important to have down time together. Have a lovely afternoon with your daughter xx

  4. I too enjoyed The Ice Twins, dont know anyone who has read this newer one so will be interested to read what you think to it... will look out for a post Wednesday then as you are such a fast reader lol ....
    A pink hellebore is on my winter plant list, hope you found what you wanted and had a fun time with daughter
