Monday 8 October 2018


Early birthday gift from daughter
Amaryllis bulbs saved from last year,
all planted for this Christmas 
 This Christmas coloured Coleus 
 Reusing old things
This post should be titled how to go to a garden center and save money, I met youngest daughter on Sunday for coffee, we had time to walk around. I watched Monty make up winter pots on Friday and loved the results, he used plants I would not normally put in pots. I saw the top plants and cheeky asked my daughter had she any idea of what to get me next month for my birthday, her reply was no. I suggested if she was happy to purchase my gift early, she happily agreed and got me the hellebore and grass, I would have purchased them myself, but I love the idea, I can see them grow every year and thank my daughter for colour in the garden. They are not planted as the tub is still full of blooming plants, but once the frost hits I can redo the contents.
My bulbs and pot for inside are all planted, now I need to see them grow.  The bird cage was hanging in the garden, I was filling it with corks, but it would have taken ages to fill, hubby moved the corks to another hanging bird table which is much smaller. Inside the birdcage is an old cat's water dish, I just needed a plant to go inside, I love string of pearls, but don't like hanging baskets inside the house, so I will plat this up and have it hanging in the greenhouse.
Finally my cactus has more buds on it, it's been moved into my raised bed, so I am really pleased to see the promise of flowers.
Hubby came home Sunday afternoon, with wet clothes, but very happy with his trip out.


  1. Nice present from your daughter. I've planted most of my bulbs up now, you have reminded me that I have an Amaryllis in the pantry to plant up, I missed having one last year. I did keep and re-plant one once but it didn't flower again, hope you have more luck with yours

  2. Nice hellebore, it'll look superb with the grass over the winter months.

  3. I have the same Harvington Hellebore - she's a beauty :)
