Saturday 27 October 2018

Brrr it's cold

1st frost of the season
 I have just 2 pots to move as the frosty mornings start
I was surprised to open our bedroom curtains to a frosty start, we have blue skies, it's a sunny but COLD start to the day, it's dry which is important, I can cope with being cold, but I hate cold and wet.
These socks will be a Christmas gift, so for once I am ensuring they match, well as much as they can with the random yarn. They are knitting up lovely and I think my hubby will love them, they should look good with his jeans. I love knitting in the evening it passes so much time.
I have purchased online some Dies for my card making, and I have been thinking regarding my Christmas cards, I have an idea forming in my head, it's built around a stamp I love 'A snowflake is a winters butterfly', I have used it before. I also plan to make 2 Christmas cakes next week, it will be nice to have the spicy smells in our home again.
Hubby had hoped he would be allowed home yesterday, but he has picked up a bit of an infection, so we are waiting for the Doctors rounds to see what they say. Hubby is desperate to get home, I too want him home, but without too many risk's. The unit is full, so if they have any emergencies, they will be looking at bed blockers. Everything is ready here for him to come home,


  1. It's really cold here today and we have wind and rain too, yuck! How I loathe these colder months. The socks are looking great, I'm sure your hubby will soon be a convert to hand knitted socks and your needles will be busier still. Good news that he's nearly ready for coming home, I think we all recuperate much better in our own homes with care from our loved ones and all our home comforts.

  2. I guess they need to make sure they're on top of the infection before he's allowed home, so many things are resistant to antibiotics nowadays and hospital is the best place to be for infection care if your immune system is compromised or you've been very poorly. I'm sure he's going to love the socks. Take care of yourself, Marlene.

  3. It's cold here too and very wet, horrid
    The socks are looking super, the perfect gift for a loved on in their Christmas stocking, my Dh always gets a pair (I better start them this year!)
    Good wishes for DH and the infection gets under control so he can be back with you enjoying home comforts and getting stronger each passing day
    love and blessings xx

  4. Hope your Husband gets home soon. it's always more comfortable.
    Very cold wind here today

  5. Fingers crossed for him coming home - he must be fed up in hospital. I too am thinking about my Christmas card - just need some time to myself to sit and draw out some ideas.
    love the socks what a great present.

  6. I sure hope he gets to come home very soon. It will be good for you both! Very cold and rainy here in the Pacific Northwest.

  7. It has been very cold hasn't it.
    Hoping your husband can come home soon.

    All the best Jan
