Sunday 28 October 2018


Nothing much happening here, I am knitting like mad, every spare moment, I am trying to get these finished before hubby gets home, last night I finished the second heel, all I have to do now is pick up and knit the gusset, once I have picked up the stitches, it's simple knitting. Hubby takes a size 11/12 shoe, so this part is long, but the changing colour of the yarn keeps it interesting.
Hubby was much better when I visited yesterday, the antibiotics are doing their job. Two others left the ward, but they are hanging on to hubby, I don't expect the beds to stay empty for long.
I managed to do some cooking yesterday, made a few meals for when he is home, it will be nice to give him a choice as he is not eating much.
Had the first garden firework display last night, it was close by, Purdy cat sat at the patio doors watching, Grace sat on my lap, it was close and noisy, I suspect there will be more in the next couple of weeks.
I managed to change all the clocks back one hour, a few of them changed themselves, it's is always hubby job, the cooker was fun, but I worked it out.


  1. Glad to hear your hubby is recovering :) We too have had fireworks going off all over the place; it frightens poor Ginger :( Your socks look fab. Jane :)

  2. Good to hear your hubby is on the mend. You sound to have intrepid cats.

  3. We had fireworks last night locally too and there have been signs about for a few other events in the next week. They seem to get louder every year,
    Hubbys going to love his secret special gift. They do match really well.

  4. Glad to hear your DH is doing better. Our time change is next weekend. It always gives me fits for awhile!

  5. Yes Fireworks are around aren't they …

    Well done on changing the clocks.

    I'm sure your husband will be home soon.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan
