Thursday 25 October 2018


 The heel is done, 
All the stitches picked up and shaped neatly
 Almost finished. 
Knitting on small circular needle 
I have plenty of knitting time, nothing much else to do, so far I had no desire to go out or do anything, my sleep patterns were all over the place. I got up sort the house and garden, and then I would knit. I visit hospital leaving here at 2pm and return around 7pm, (depends on how hubby is feeling or if they are doing things with him). When I get home I knit again, it is lonely in the house without him, even our cats seam out of sorts.
Yesterday hubby was sitting in a chair some of the day, which is helping with the cough he has, he has also been for his first walk and was moved to a ward, to say I'm pleased is an understatement.
On Tuesday I went for morning coffee with some of the girls from sign class. One neighbour gave me the lovely flowers and I spent an hour last night with another neighbour Chris and a friend Gwen, who is back for a visit after moving north. Youngest daughter visited hospital, so I could have a relaxing evening.
I don't think I will ever take normal life for granted again. 


  1. So pleased to hear that your hubby has been moved to a ward and is recovering well. Still thinking about you and your husband and wishing you both well at a difficult time.

  2. Good to hear of your husband's progress and also that you ar getting good support. Lots of love.

  3. I'm so pleased to hear that your husband is recovering well, I'm sure it won't be long now until he's back home with you. It's so strange being on your own when you're used to being together in the house, it seems so quiet and empty. Hospital visiting can be very wearing and tiring so I hope you're taking care of yourself. xx

  4. I'm really happy to hear your husband's progress is getting better. Take care of your own health as well, Best wishes Jane x

  5. My son's stay in the hospital recently, was only 30 hours, but I know that feeling of not wanting to take life for granted, when you get back home. Everything seems so much more "homey", and all the trivial stuff just falls away. I appreciated my morning coffee, with my own kettle and frothed milk again.

    Here's hoping for a speedy recovery, so your husband can join you back home soon. I'm sure he's yearning to be back with you, in his own home, with all the simple things he would normally do. Cheers to you both. :)

  6. Good to hear hubby's making progress and that you're having support from friends....lovely flowers. Some of the heart meds can cause a cough, is that what his is due to? You're right Marlene, big health scares such as this really make us appreciate all the little things about our normal day to day lives. Thinking of you.

  7. {{big cuddle}} for you Marlene, i'm so pleased things are moving forward for DH and he's improving with each passing day, that is a blessing.
    You were in my thoughts so much yesterday as I went to hospital for a procedure and had a bad reaction ending up in cardiology myself for the day as they thought I had succumbed to a heart attack. Luckily, it was a reaction to the stuff they treated me with and the heart doing funny things and i'm back home resting. DH commented how bad it was for him watching someone he loved and being helpless.
    Take care of yourself, love and blessings xx

  8. So pleased to read of your husband's progress, and that you have good support around you.

    Saying a prayer for you

    All the best Jan

  9. I am just catching up with your blog - I left you making an owl bag and come back to see the news about your hubby - I am so sorry to hear that he has been so ill - what a shock that must have been for you. I think it is absolutely terrible that they make money on the parking out of ill people - it is the last thing you need to think about when you are in these circumstances. They should issue free passes I think.
    Sending warm wishes to you and your family and I hope each day you find him looking stronger and feeling much better. Take care x

  10. That first walk is a big step and it's wonderful your hubby is strong enough to do that now. You must be so relieved! Meg:)

  11. Glad your husband is on the mend, I hope he will soon be at home again. Take care of yourself xx

  12. It is great to have good friends for support at a time like this. I know what you mean about looking at normal life differently. I hope your DH continues to get better each day!
