Friday 9 January 2015

A little bit more

I managed to stitch some more on this, 
I am now redoing the curve at the end, I am not sure if I miss read the instructions, or if they are wrong, but by starting from the middle I can work out any imperfections. 
Tomorrow my 1st section of my stitch along arrives, so this will be on hold. 
 My Amaryllis has shot up in height, and there is a second bud growing from the base, 
The Hyacinth is beginning to show it's flower head. 
 Grace is following me around all morning, normally this is a sign of her wanting feeding, but we always keep dried food in a dish for both cats, maybe she thinks she should have a treat. Purdy is asleep in her basket.
I got an update on my book order from Germany, it has been dispatched via DHL, I'm not sure how long it will take to get to me, but they were very quick to get it sent out.
I have no update on my lost parcel, our postman checked back at the sorting office and could not find it, he said again if the parcel had got to the sorting office it would have been delivered, I have contacted the sender, but as yet they have not come back to me. I am not sure what the outcome will be, I will give it until after the weekend.
Today we have sunshine, it's cold but not raining, the ground is wet, it rained in the night, so no plans to be in the garden.
I would like to go through my craft bookcase this weekend, I have loads of craft books, I love books, but some I have never used, some are waiting for me to have time to use them, some are now looking dated.
I love this time of year, I am a tidy person, but the bug really gets hold of me, and with the cluttering theme going on, I hope to be able to take a trip the the charity shop.


  1. I had planned on getting an amaryllis this year but never got round to it, it's fascinating watching them grow. We've got gale force winds here today, it's kept me awake right through the night, so I'm staying indoors and battening down the hatches.

  2. Aww what a sweet furry face...

  3. I would be a little bit scared to go through any of my bookcases. Your amaryllis is looking promising.

  4. The stitching just keeps getting better. Our Sylvia thinks it is cookie time everytime someone gets up.
