Saturday 10 January 2015

Give away

My Amaryllis looks like something out of Alien.
 For the past week I have been living with a drip, every time we boil the kettle we find water around the base plate, today there was more water, and because the electrics are in the base plate hubby said we needed a new one. So we opened our jar, did loads of counting and this is what £133.00 looks like, we returned some back into the jar, I hate to see it empty. Hubby puts more in the me,  20p coins  made up the bulk, £58.00.
 We popped into town and got the matching set,
 our toaster was a bit past it's best £44.00 for both. 
£70 is set aside for when we are away at the end of the month. 
Not bad for coins we don't miss.
 Looking out the window, this sum's up the morning.
 I managed to look at all my books on my craft shelf, I have taken loads of project booklets and a few books to our charity shop. Before I get rid of these, 
I thought I might offer them on, I am happy to post anywhere in UK,
 if either, or both are what you are looking for please comment on this post. 

Yesterday was Fliss's birthday, so no stitching, we had a at home evening, doing a nice meal, all gluten free, with a nice bottle of pink Cava. Tonight Fliss is out with Su and David for a meal in town, we were invited, but prefer to stay at home.
I have sorted my food cupboards, and I'm pleased no out of date items, I just re arranged it so we could find everything.
I got for a £1.00 a book to read, The Peoples Queen by Vanora Bennett, I have not read in ages. Soon I will do some more to my cross stitch, I decided I would finish the panel before starting the new project which arrived today.
Tomorrow Josh and Sam will be with us, nothing planned, will have to see how the weather is, so loads of fun promised.


  1. What a great amount you got from your pot and your kettle and toaster are lovely, best not to take any risks with electrics. I've just commented on another blog that I'd love to do a sampler but I'm afraid the ones in your book will definitely be beyond my capabilities but I'm sure you'll find someone who will be thrilled with both books. How generous to offer to pass them on.

  2. What a cute little teapot and toaster! My toaster konked out but I didn't replace it.

  3. I agree that your amaryllis looks like an alien but I think it's going to be stunning. I really like your kettle and toaster - we could do with a new toaster. I love decluttering now - for some reason it gives me a sense of satisfaction :) have a nice weekend. It won't take long for your books to arrive :)

  4. Have been having a look around your, blog. You are very talented.
    I would love the Pop-up card book if no-one else would like it.
    I too make christmas cards in January.

  5. Its amazing how all the change adds up, I picked up one of those coin sorters from the charity shop.

    Please kindly enter me into your giveaway, I would use the card one, but not the cross stitch one. x

  6. Lovely new appliances for our kitchen and bought with your loose change too...brilliant.

  7. I use the contents of my 'money jar' to help pay off my credit card - not far to go now thank goodness.
