Thursday 8 January 2015

Happy Thursday

I have removed the wrong placed stitching
I have had my graph paper out and have worked out where each section starts.
I do have a system on my computer, but for small things like this I prefer to use graph paper.
 Up close, I am finishing this section, I'm not normally a flower stitcher,
But this is pretty. I have just one other colour, lighter pink to use on here.  
 I went again on the web and found a German site with both books I wanted, 
who deliver worldwide. The delivery was expensive, but there is nothing I can do, so I have ordered both. Now I have to wait for them to arrive, loads of new projects coming up.
 Hubby was asking how I can spend so much on two books, for me it's easy, it is my hobby, and I get enormous pleasure from stitching. It does fall into my lifestyle, they are not an unwanted items and will be used. I really don't mind spending money on useful things. If for any reason they are not as I expected, I will put them on ebay, there are loads of ladies on Pintrest, pinning these designs.
I follow  Jo's blog, which is gardening and craft, pop over she is very interesting, in her last post, she passed on a tip, to buy a flowering plant each month for the garden, that way you build up the seasonal colour, I like this idea, at this time of year my plot is starved of colour, my budget will be as near to £5 as I can get.
I have also been following Sue's blog, another great read, Sue is following a scheme where you cut back the number of food items you store, allowing for less waste. I am not going to follow, but it did lead me think about what's lurking in the back of our food cupboards, so today, I will pull every thing out, sort and use the items lost at the back.
It's pouring with rain here, a real grey day.


  1. Glad you managed to find a site which will deliver the books, I hope you like them when they arrive. It was two years ago when I bought my plants each month, some of them have survived but a number haven't unfortunately so there will still be months with very little colour. I may have to buy some more plants this year to plug the gap.

  2. Good news you managed to source the books with a UK delivery.
    Loving the new project!

  3. Your new project looks so good.

    I always used graph paper . . . there is something about the hands on erasing and fixing that I liked.

    I always used the tiniest graph paper I could find. Now, I don't think I can find it, with everything on calculators and tech, the engineering graph paper, I think, has become obsolete :(

  4. Great books Marlene. Your stitching is lovely.


  5. At lest you found the books! Lovely stitching!

  6. You can never have enough books, I was sent some designs from germany about 25years ago, I will have to look them out and send them to you, cant see I would ever get round to using them.

  7. Love your sewing and the books look as though they are going to be good. Thanks for the links to the blogs - been reading through :)
