Friday 12 April 2013

Stitching pleasure

 Sweet dreams is in my frame, and I love it, I'm on the third release, I had already chosen the colours I would stitch with, no new colours, just mixing the ones I have already used.
I love my yellow flowers, they should have been brown, but I wanted colour in this work. Can you feel my excitement on this project. The centre will be blues and pink. The opposite boarders are the same, so I can get ahead of my self with this one, if I want to. This was last night's stitching
 We have tulips in the back garden, very short, but they are there, they have come up very quick, at one point I did think they would not shoot.
 Our poor Magnolia tree is very indecisive alot of the buds are damaged by the cold weather, but newer ones are forming. It is already feeling much warmer, maybe, just maybe spring is arriving.
My job interview was cancelled this morning, we have booked a few days away at the end of May, and the company was not happy for me to have holiday in the 1st three months, which is the start of our summer, bit strange. But I now have another interview booked for Tuesday for a very local company.

The house smells wonderful, I have the slow cooker on with lambs liver, sausage and bacon, I will add potatoes and veg later. Su and David are coming over for tea, comfort food.

Yesterday I spent time with a very good friend, she knows how to make me smile, I do enjoy her company, she with her hubby is always first on our guest list when we have BBQ's.

Nothing much booked this weekend, I do want to go to a garden centre for a few plants, most of the time home with hubby and playing with grand sons.


  1. The yellow flowers really pop out and add such a vibrant look.

  2. My Daffy's didn't make it open by today . . but they are so close.

    Our tulips have sent leaves up, but no sign of flowers yet.

    Our neighbor has a lot of hyacinths in her back yard, which gets sun all day, and they are starting to bloom. They make THE BEST SMELL when we are in the yard.
