Thursday 11 April 2013

Warning cute photo included

 I have completed another 3 designs on Grand Marquoir, 29 completed out of 54, so over half way. It's a very restful stitching design, the designs are simple to follow and I do very little unpicking.

But the next stage of Sweet Dreams was released yesterday, so today it is back in my frame and this is on hold for a week or two. I am really looking forward to stitching with colour, I do enjoy having two projects at once, but two at once time I find enough, with maybe a quickie now and then.
Yesterday was a dull day, we had rain in the morning, but at lunch time we popped to our local beach at Lee on the Solent, Josh, Sammy and mummy came with me, we had a walk along the shingles, then into the play area, Sammy loved the slide, just over an hour was enough.  Josh had an ice cream for a treat.
 On the way home we went to a McDonald's drive through, Josh had never been to one, so they had a treat for their lunch. Sammy looking so very cute and tired, I love his curls. It is such fun to be so close the the shore and  be able to pop there for quick visits, this time of year is great, not to many holiday makers.
 I am out this afternoon, spending time with a good friend, time to catch up and so loads of laughter.

Our daffodils are still looking good in the front garden, as I sit here I can see them swaying in the gentle breeze. Our Magnolia is still in bud, I really do not know if the buds will produce flowers, they are now late, but so many things are this cold spring. Both cats are in their baskets, resting, they have the perfect life.

Job hunt is going well, I have another interview tomorrow, and I have loads of calls to make this morning, chasing agencies, some thing will come along soon.

We have added dates to our weekend away in late May, we had already booked two night in North Wales, and we have now tagged on another two nights in Lincolnshire, Wales is a beach location, the second location is a spar hotel, so what ever the weather we will have plenty to do.

So plenty to look forward to.


  1. Lovely stiching! I like the effect of the white on the mushroom. I don't normally go in for monochrome stuff, but it looks amazing (though it'd probably drive me mad to stitch myself).

    Also it's nice to see local stitchers - I'm in Southampton during term time, and only in Surrey during the holidays :D

  2. Are Daffy's are getting closer and closer to blooming each day . . . they are at the front of our yard where the main sidewalk meets the walk to our front door. They welcome people to our home :)

    LOVE the ringlets . . my nephew's hair hat cut ringlets when he was a baby and toddler . . . now, at 30, he has a buzz cut so no idea if he has any curls :(

  3. Your stitching is very lovely and the children are too adorable - love the curls. I wish you good luck in your interview.

  4. Aww such a cutie, those curls are beautiful.
    GM is looking beautiful.
