Sunday 14 April 2013


 It is a perfect weekend here, 
1st photo is end of Friday I stitched the second border, the pattern was not the same, so I decided to use the pink, again it is looking good. This was the evenings sewing.

2nd photo as end of Saturday, not so much stitching done, we were out alot and we had a nice meal and a glass of wine, and my good rule, not stitching after a drink, works for me.
Saturday we went to town and then on to a garden center, I was good as just brought a few plants for in my green house.
This morning I spent in my garden, I have planted my birthday present from Su, I love this strawberry pot, there are 9 strawberry plants, each cup has a area in the bottom for water storage, I have high hopes for these plants. I have also planted the red gooseberry bush in my fruit garden. The olive tree is in a large pot, our winters are to cold, so it will have to be inside my green house.
 My small plot I am now turning into a herb and salad garden, and I am using my favourite gardener for inspiration, this book I gave to my son-in-law a couple of years ago, he has lent it to me. I have cleaned down the decking, and have removed loads of pots, I normally grow the herbs in those pots.
 This afternoon Josh and Sam came to play, we had a game of foot ball in the garden, 1st time this year, then Sam sat at my desk and used the crayons to create this picture, he is now into colour.
I have had the most perfect bath, using my oils, and feel very relaxed, and all the gardening aches have gone, looking forward to a nice light meal and an evening with hubby, might even paint my nails. 

hope your day has been as good.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    Beautiful stitching and lovely gardening photos.
    Hope you have a good week.
