Tuesday 30 October 2012

More of the same

 I have done more on Sweet Flowers, I so love stitching this, I'm on the top final panel, just grey and pinks here. Kitty won't be finished by tomorrow evening, but she is too pretty to be packed away once done.
 My 2nd book has arrived, it's 2009/2010, which really makes it my 1st book, the two years are together, which makes it about the right size to match 2011, and 2012 looks to be heading for the same number of pages. I am really pleased to have these records of my blog, my oldest daughter is very keen to have them once I am done with them.
 Inside it's just my post in date order, I have tried to set the page layouts so they are not all the same, I did put all the titles at the same level, so there is some order. 2012 in my work in progress, I will take them to my sisters this weekend for her to see. You can see more on my 1st book here
This post is number 399, so I can see a RAK in my next post, not sure what it will be, but I will put a package together to send anywhere, so leave a message here . I will post over the weekend and find items to send out.

Work is manic at the moment, we have far to much to do, so I am running out of time each day and I refuse to work late, they do not offer overtime, so we will have to see how things go. But I do have a half day on Friday and Monday off, then I'm next off between Christmas and the New Year, so I am loving these short weeks.

I hope you are all OK in America after the storm, the photo's on the news are terrible and I hope every thing settles soon, and you all stay warm and safe.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Bored on a Saturday

 My little kittie is growing, only the pumpkin to do, there are loads of half stitches on here, so I am doing on 18 count, which is large for me. But it has such a cute face, should be finished soon.

Su sent me a photo of her bed with the knitted cushion on, they have just finished decorating this room, I thought grey sounded dull, but I like the look, I'm glad to see she loves the buttons.
 This is our spare bed, the quilt was made by my sister Leanna, the patchwork cushion by the cats was made by Su when she was at junior school and I made all three along the back.
 My cyclemen is doing well, the window sill gets loads of sun through out the day. The white flowers look so sharp against the dark green of the leaves.

I have spend loads of time clearing up today, I started in the garden with the leaves, and cutting back plants which are closing down for winter. Then I came into my office and sorted loads of cross stitch patterns, then I sorted my big drawer, you know the one full of junk. I am restless, or bored, not ready to sit and stitch yet, soon it will be dinner time, then we will watch a film.

PS started the Christmas present shop today, but after the trip into Fareham, I think we will be on the internet alot. 4 purchased still loads to go.

Friday 26 October 2012

Stitching update

 I have done more to sweet flowers, these are very pretty and quick to stitch, 
but below is a quicky I have started
 Most of the top half shown here. 
 I started this quicky when I realised I only had a week to finish it, 
I love the look of the kitten, with the big eyes. 
 I am not collecting the whole set of these, but I do like the crochet boxes in this book, and the round cushion in book 4. I have limited time at this point so I am not doing much with my crochet.
 Grace is still not sleeping in her basket, she loves the edge of this rug,
right where we walk, 
she looks as if she is on guard.
Yesterday it was Sam's 2nd birthday, we went to Mobys with his little friend in the morning, it was great fun, because all the bigger children was at school, the little ones were able to go any where, Sam loved the big slide, so mummy and myself took it in turns to go through the play area, climbing to the top of the slide and going down with him, one time all three of us went together, so much laughter. I had Sam in the afternoon, we picked Josh up from school, and after a trip into W H Smiths to purchase Moshi Monsters stuff for Josh, we had tea in McDonald's and then home for birthday cake. I forgot my camera, so no photo's just memories.

Kev and I have another day off today, we hope to go shopping in Chichester, so a more grown up day.
I have ordered my 2nd blog book 2009/2010, I put both years together, which matched the size of 2011, should be here around the 8th.
We have nothing planned for the weekend, hope to see Sammy and Josh on Sunday, just a stay at home time together, the following weekend we are away.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Stay with me

 Sweet flowers are out again, I stitched last night, completing the second to last flowers, after I have stitched the top bunch, I have just the header to finish. Next time I will show you it as a whole. Life is great when my stitching is on the go. I am looking forward to doing a small quicky for Halloween next.
My travelling penguin, is on the move again, you can see how Nicole of The Best of the Best, stitched him here.  He is now with Katie from Just a Little Stitching, I'm not sure where Katie is based,

My knitting is finished, Su just needs to pick it up, it's for her bed, I am pleased with the finish, here it's in Kev's big chair, I loved stitching cable, but with 120 stitches and 32"/ 82cm in length, it got very heavy. I love the back better than the front, the chunky buttons make it, I won't know until Su see's it finished, which she prefers.
 The pattern I loved, The triple cable is very easy, stitched over 12 sts, 3 x 4sts, with a twist every 6 rows, each time taking the outer 4 stitches to the middle, bringing them to the front. The centre V is 20 sts, 1st row purl2, knit1,P14,K1,P2, on the next row you move the V a stitch closer to the centre, doing this by slipping the K stitch on a 3rd needle purl 1 and the knit the stitch on the 3rd needle, once the two knit stitches are together, on the next row you start again. Every 24 rows you should be at the start of the patterns. I did 7 stitches of moss stitch on each side and also at the top, where the buttons are placed.
 These Cyclamens are on my desk, the white one is mine and sits on the sunny windowsill by my desk, the pink one is for a friend, she has moved just around the corner, so it's our 1st visit to her new house this asfternoon.
 Grace is having her treats, she helps herself from the tub, she is not greedy, if I put the tub down for Purdy, she would eat most of them. Both cats have decided again they do not want to share their basket, so I have packed it away and got out the two smaller baskets, but they are sleeping all over the house.
It's a very lazy weekend here, hope to go out on our bikes soon, we do have  light rain here, but I hope it will stop soon. I saw Joshy on Friday, he went to his school disco, I babysat,  Sammy was asleep, I did check him, but he was fast asleep. After the disco Josh was showing me his dance moves, I got him some glow in the dark Moshi Monsters, so he was keen to go to bed to see how well they worked.
The most exciting thing so far is having my hair cut and booking my pre Chrismas colours. I was not as extreme as Paula, she had her pony tail cut off.

If you stayed to the end, thank you, hope you are having fun with your loved ones.

PS I'm looking for a book to read, any suggestions!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

I'm so excited

My knitting is really growing, 25" or 64cm, which ever you prefer, well over half way, I want it to be big, so I will use all the wool in my giant ball, I am using a pillow in side, cut down to a square, I always keep a few spare for use as stuffing, this will wrap around and have huge buttons on the back. So you can see why my stitching has come to a halt.
 My book came today, Florentine Embroidery by Barbara Muller, I got it from Amazon, it was not cheap, I had to pay £20.00 for it, but it is out of print and there are not many around, I have seen it on sale for over £40.00, so I was pleased with the price.
 The patterns inside are great, I love  projects which fill the material with stitches, this is all different length long stitch, so it is quick to sew. I want to use my silks (Floss) and have a neat shiny finish.
 Here is a cushion I have had for about 10 years, for ages it was in the spare chair, but now it lives on my spare bed, I purchased it as a kit, it's stitched with crewel wool, I love the colours, and the balance of the pattern. I am going to have another look at my waiting in the wings, and re access what I am doing next.
The weather has been very kind in the past couple of days, heavy rain at night, but cool sunny days, so I have walked in my lunch break, it's a bit dark to cycle after work, so we must plan a trip on the weekend.

Well I waited and Blurb, who I have my second year book for this blog has sent me another discount for my next book, so over the weekend I will give it it's final 2/3 reads to ensure all is OK, I don't want to see loads of mistakes once in print.

Monday 15 October 2012


 I hang my head in shame, this is from a month's worth on stitching, I really need to pick up my frame. On the plus side the cushion I am knitting is growing, pic next time.
 We had a busy weekend, Josh and Sammy came on Sunday, we had loads of fun, Josh loved racing the cars, and got good at it very quickly.
 Sammy is just mad on every thing about Bob the Builder, I love his curly hair, so cute.
I managed to sort a few pots in my garden, planting bulbs and winter pansies, I have a few more to do, but their flowers have not died down yet.  We went for a cycle ride which was fun and saw Su, Gav and Shannon, so a true family weekend.

Friday 12 October 2012


 What else can you call it, for all the summer this dahlia has been dormant, then last month it started to grow, as you can see my garden is looking like autumn, but what a beautiful sight each day, with a few more buds, we can only hope.
 The last part of Sweet Flowers has come, I love this, so I will be stitching this weekend, just the side to finish and a small panel along the top.
 My knitting is going well, I am making an Aran cushion for Su, she has just finished her bedroom and this will be on her bed.
 It's very easy to knit and grows quickly, here is two evenings work, grey is not my favourite colour, but it will go with her room.
We have nothing much planned this weekend, hope to see Josh and Sammy, Grancha has a very sweet treat for Josh, and Nanna just wants loads of cuddles.
I hope to do my pots in the garden I have mini pansies and bulbs for them, I love to have colour around the doors.
I have ordered another book , I now have 4 coming, but I am very excited about this one, Florentine Embroidery by Barbara Muller. Can't wait to see inside, it's second hand, they are hard to get and quiet rare.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Life's ups and downs.

 For some one who is not good with heights, I do get myself in the most strange of places,  these pods were very interesting, the view was fantastic, once I got over my shock of being in it. These are on their way down at almost the half way point.
 We stayed just outside Derby, I have never been in this area of England before, it was stunning, once up the top we went into a mine, which dropped into the hill side deep, I'm not good in confined spaces either, so it was a relief once we were down at ground level again.
 The village, Matlock Bath, was a bikers haven, the main street was full of all types of bikes, not boy races, but real bikers, hubby loved looking around.
 This I could not pass by, it was on top of the ice cream booth, we were able to walk up and around the booth, it appeals to my sense of humour, another silly cow.
We got back yesterday, tired but happy after a fun filled weekend, can't wait for Josh to visit this weekend, hubby brought a Scalextric set, with two Aston Martins and loads of track. Gav has already said he will pop in to see it, so a boys day on Saturday.

I have not done any stitching, no time and I have brought a ball of Grey Aran wool to make a cushion for Su,  she saw one in the shops but wanted me to make her one, so I will get out my knitting needles and work out the pattern, you can get a better view here

Tuesday 2 October 2012


 Please don't look to close, at my 1st ripple crochet, I am just using cheap wool for now, and I picked three colours which I thought would look good together. I am using the pattern from Attic24, it helped me get over the row changes. I am pleased with this as a  piece, but I think I need to work on my tension.
 Below is my 1st attempt, my chain which I made so very neat and far to tight, I happy to learn from each piece at this time. Then I shall treat myself to some wonderful wool.
 Su and I popped to Ikea on Saturday, I did not get much, other than the two beautiful Orchids below, this one is wonderful, I love all the flowers, bunched together and the creamy centres of each flower.
 This one is more my normal taste, I could not make my mind up which to choose, so they both came home with me. White flowers to me are just so perfect.
I have sneaked a day off work, some thing I don't like to do, I need to support a family member, but the situation we find ourselves in makes it hard for me. I have to watch and hope.