Tuesday 2 October 2012


 Please don't look to close, at my 1st ripple crochet, I am just using cheap wool for now, and I picked three colours which I thought would look good together. I am using the pattern from Attic24, it helped me get over the row changes. I am pleased with this as a  piece, but I think I need to work on my tension.
 Below is my 1st attempt, my chain which I made so very neat and far to tight, I happy to learn from each piece at this time. Then I shall treat myself to some wonderful wool.
 Su and I popped to Ikea on Saturday, I did not get much, other than the two beautiful Orchids below, this one is wonderful, I love all the flowers, bunched together and the creamy centres of each flower.
 This one is more my normal taste, I could not make my mind up which to choose, so they both came home with me. White flowers to me are just so perfect.
I have sneaked a day off work, some thing I don't like to do, I need to support a family member, but the situation we find ourselves in makes it hard for me. I have to watch and hope.


  1. Your ripple looks great . . . keep up the good work :0}

  2. Your ripple looks lovely, well done.
