Monday 15 October 2012


 I hang my head in shame, this is from a month's worth on stitching, I really need to pick up my frame. On the plus side the cushion I am knitting is growing, pic next time.
 We had a busy weekend, Josh and Sammy came on Sunday, we had loads of fun, Josh loved racing the cars, and got good at it very quickly.
 Sammy is just mad on every thing about Bob the Builder, I love his curly hair, so cute.
I managed to sort a few pots in my garden, planting bulbs and winter pansies, I have a few more to do, but their flowers have not died down yet.  We went for a cycle ride which was fun and saw Su, Gav and Shannon, so a true family weekend.


  1. Its great fun when you can play with your grandchildren. I know I will be building a Lego batcave one weekend soon.

  2. Having grandchildren brings such joy and happiness into your life. Your boys are adorable.
