Friday 12 October 2012


 What else can you call it, for all the summer this dahlia has been dormant, then last month it started to grow, as you can see my garden is looking like autumn, but what a beautiful sight each day, with a few more buds, we can only hope.
 The last part of Sweet Flowers has come, I love this, so I will be stitching this weekend, just the side to finish and a small panel along the top.
 My knitting is going well, I am making an Aran cushion for Su, she has just finished her bedroom and this will be on her bed.
 It's very easy to knit and grows quickly, here is two evenings work, grey is not my favourite colour, but it will go with her room.
We have nothing much planned this weekend, hope to see Josh and Sammy, Grancha has a very sweet treat for Josh, and Nanna just wants loads of cuddles.
I hope to do my pots in the garden I have mini pansies and bulbs for them, I love to have colour around the doors.
I have ordered another book , I now have 4 coming, but I am very excited about this one, Florentine Embroidery by Barbara Muller. Can't wait to see inside, it's second hand, they are hard to get and quiet rare.


  1. Beautiful Dahlia and knitting. I love aran and cabling.

    The book looks very interesting, i hope you can share some snippets on your blog.

    Wishing you a good weekend.

  2. Oh, my! That is a magnificent flower! :D

  3. It is all so pretty! I bet you can hardly wait for the books! Enjoy!

  4. Spectacular dahlia, they are so vibrant during the autumn months. Loving the Aran cushion.

  5. Gorgeous stitching. I love the pinks and greens.
