Thursday 13 June 2024


I do love this author, the stories are based in USA, normally I prefer UK plots, but she holds you with her writing, not too gory, enough details to make a story, another great idea which kept me turning pages. Book 36 read this year.

I have finally finished this cardigan for hubby's sister, I enjoyed knitting it, the yarn and needles were huge, so it grew very quickly, which helped with the dark colour. As normal it sat in my work basket for ages before I attached the sleeves and stitched the sides together, the pattern was simple to master and very effective, it looks good, I hope she likes it, they are visiting soon. 

I have a lovely new plant in the back flower bed, hubby was looking for a big evergreen plant for his front garden, he could not see anything he liked. I have been trimming the hebe in this garden in an effort to keep it small, so I asked him if it would work in his space, he loved the idea and promised to buy me a replacement. Hence this lovely Astilbe, which is perfect for the spot and hopefully finishes the planting here. 

I would not be me if I did not get more plants, there were so many on show, but it was OK to pass them by, until I saw this plant, it's just so pretty, hubby 'do you have a space for it' me (fingers crossed behind my back) 'yes dear'. I am adding different colours to the flower gardens this summer, this pretty pink fills the brief. I moved a red flower, to place this in a great spot. I did pass on some poppies, which I would love, I can wait for the couple in my bed to self seed.

I have not added the cost of the Astilbe to my cost list as I would have not transplanted the hebe, hubby paid for it, he also paid for the pink plant, but I have added it to the list. He also got me a longer handle fork, I have to stretch to get to the middle of the raised veg beds, I had suggested it would be a great birthday gift, but he thought I needed it now. I do not record what hubby spends in his front garden, the list has always been about my spending on craft and my part of the garden. 

Our new kitchen floor has been laid, the white goods are back inside and I have cleaned everywhere, so this room is finished again, the walls which are on show are all tiled, so they are easy to clean, we do have an issue with one cabinet door, the covering is coming loose, we have checked and the company don't have our colour in their range any more.  

We are both reading lots each evening, preferring to switch off the TV and listen to music, we have both noticed how much better we are sleeping, which then makes us more relaxed each morning. We do not have a TV in our bedroom, and we have a no phone or iPad rule for years. Soon it will be time for Wimbledon, we both love tennis, so the TV will be on every afternoon as well as evenings, then Olympics, we again love watching, as for the football, that will pass us by.


  1. Replies
    1. They are certainly a vigorous growing plant.

    2. The originate in New Zealand and Australia like the Phormiums and so many other of our garden shrubs.

  2. Astilbe is such a pretty, graceful plant. The rhodoxis looks lovely.

  3. I like both the plants you bought. I'm not a fan of American crime so try to avoid. I don't watch TV and have never had one in the bedroom, if I want to watch something I get it on catch up.

  4. The cardigan looks lovely and cosy. Xx

  5. Love that cardigan. Reading is one of my passions and I'm currently working my way through J.D Robb's "In Death" series. They're a bit graphically raunchy in small parts but I skip the smut. I've been ordering them in blocks of four from our local library.

  6. I do like the look of the cardigan.

    All the best Jan

  7. I should imagine that there'll be plenty of football on in our house, though I have to say that I don't bother with sport at all, or very little. We don't have a TV in the bedroom either.

  8. No TV in our bedroom either. Not something I have ever wanted anyway. I love the cardigan, I'm sure your sister in law will love it too.
    The Astilbe is a wonderful addition to your garden. I hope both it and the Hebe grow well in their new homes.

  9. I love the cardigan you made. I've been picking up plants for the garden at a local shop recently. They have such lovely plants outside. Luckily, I don't walk past that often, which is just as well, as I see something every time I do walk past.
