Monday 10 June 2024


 I loved this book, a very different and clever plot, twist and turns, cleverly leading to the climax, with a final twist, not your run of the mill story, I could not put it down. I have read this author before and will look out for her other books. Book 34 read this year. 

This book was good not great, exploring family secrets, almost everyone is hiding something, life is in a small village, how the wrong words can stir up trouble. It twisted throughout the plot, I changed my mind a few time whilst reading it. Book 35 read this year.
We had little people in our garden again on Saturday, hubby did a BBQ, which they love, lots of fun and laughter, all three play well together. Will had a party so George and Molly stayed longer, it got a bit dull so we played inside for a while, I drove them home happy. We have a good selection of garden toys, so we got different ones out, they all loved the big blow up ball.
Sunday I gave the greenhouse a clean, just using a brush, soapy water and hosed off, it's not perfect but much better than before. I am not able to reach the long side at the back, but it was not too dirty. I moved a few things inside and did in there as well. It's due to rain for the next few days, so hopefully it will wash away any soap residue, it was messy but worth the effort.

I've had my sewing machine out again, I needed to make a net screen for a bedroom window, we leave it in the window to stop any flies getting into the house, sadly it's necessary. I also played with my coffee filters, the one I made shown in my last post, did not work so well, when I put soil in and watered it, the filter went soft and did not keep it's shape, not to be beaten, I decided to stitch the sides and see if they would hold better, these are again being used in the greenhouse to see if they work. 

Hubby has emptied the white goods from our kitchen, we are having new vinyl flooring, which we prefer to tiles, the flooring down lasted almost 14 years, it's much warmer to walk on in winter and so much easier to keep clean, I washed down the outside of the cabinets under the counter.

My cucumber plant is looking very sick, but the seedlings are growing, so later than normal I should have a harvest, it's typical the first year I grow them outside we have the strangest few months of weather. The idea of four seasons is slipping away, here along the south coast we always have a good start to the growing season, our issues were always enough rain in the summer months, hence I have so many water buts in my small garden. May has always been a great month to get small plants into the ground, and in June they should be growing like mad, these cooler days and nights are not our normal weather, the lady on TV last night suggested we won't get warmer temperatures until later in June, often in the past few weeks it's warmer up north than here in the south. The sunshine is really warm, normal for June, the cold winds are the problems, our night temperatures are low, but not enough to cause huge issues, just slowing down the growing season, makes you wonder how farmers are doing with our food supplies.


  1. I was loading the van with plants on Saturday night and it was unseasonably cold for the month of June. Very strange.

  2. It looks like the little people are enjoying themselves :)
    I'm not sure where the warmer weather has gone, but I'll be pleased when it eventually returns. Xx

  3. The weather is odd, very changeable. The seasons are shifting, I think.

  4. The sun is shining here in Cornwall , but there is a blinking chilly north wind blowing . Your greenhouse is positively gleaming in the sunshine ...what is that amazing tree ? 🌤️🌳🤍

    1. It's a Magnolia, it was here when we moved in 15 years ago, we have it trimmed every year to keep it a good size, last year we had the top removed.

  5. I love books where the author is constantly blindsiding you with a twist in the tale. Our weather here is just like yours - we've had plenty of sunshine lately, but such a cold wind with it.

  6. it's been a funny old first half of the year weatherwise hasn't it! I lost my cucumber plant earlier but most other things grown from seed have done ok although growing more slowly. Have a good week and I hope the sun shines for you.

  7. I must look out for that Jo Spain book.

    Lovely to see the little people having fun in your garden.

    All the best Jan

  8. Ahhh, so much fun with the little ones. Enjoy as they grow much too quickly.

    God bless.

  9. I'd love a green house again, I used to clean mine and tidy it all the time! We're experiencing hot days and have been watering the pots each evening already.
