Sunday 16 June 2024


 We took the nation express coach to London on Friday morning, we arrived by late morning  staying on 15th floor with great views of the capital. 
The shard looking closer than it was.
Our hotel was just 10 minutes walk from South Bank of the Thames, we went for a walk along to Westminster Bridge, up to Big Ben and the houses of Parliament. I love this iconic view, with our red buses on the bridge.
Another great view, all the city buildings, predominantly made with glass, with the old Blackfriers  bridge in front, London is all about the old and new.

The river Thames is a busy waterway, lots of tourists boats and the Uber water taxis,  but in places along the south Bank people can get down to the waters edge. Loads of people here skimming stones, it looked fun.

We have the rest of Sunday here in London, a planned walk along to Buckingham Palace, it's about 40 minutes from our hotel, we will book out early, leave our bags at the hotel, have some fun then catch the coach home.

The weather gods have been kind, much less rain that expected, we did get caught in a huge thunder storm just as the event on Saturday was finishing, we had purchased huge plastic rain macs which helped keep most of the rain out, we decided against going to the planned luncheon and headed back to our hotel for a hot shower and dry shoes.

My next post will be on trooping of the colours,  it was worthy of a post all to itself. 


  1. Trooping the colour always looks magnificent on TV - shame about the weather this year but good to see so many people out to watch it all

  2. There's nowhere quite like London, even on a grey and damp day.

    1. So true, we loved all the people, they are so ecliptic, the street food smells amazing, and Soth Bank is so much fun.

  3. A trip to London is always exciting, but this visit must have been a wonderful experience for you both, in spite of the weather. I bet you were grateful for your rain macs. Xx

    1. Cheap macs, so many people had them, they kept our top half dry.

  4. It's good to make a long weekend of it.

  5. Enjoy your city visit. I look forward to seeing more photos, particularly floral displays.

    1. The gardens around Buckingham Palace and St James park were stunning.

  6. It sounds like you are enjoying your London visit.

    All the best Jan

  7. A great weekend away in London for you both. Whatever the weather there is always plenty to see and do in London.
