Thursday 23 May 2024

Other things

 I'm not doing much craft at the moment, last year I pressed some of the flowers growing in our garden, they have sat in the flower press for months. I saw this double frame reduced in TK Max and decided its time I made a design. It's my first time of trying, I did have a very limited colour scheme, so many plants I love. I'm now pressing more flowers.

I have pulled out the knitting I am doing for hubby's sister, I want to finish it, ready for their visit next month, I do love knitting, it's a relaxing craft. Sadly I don't need anymore cardigans or jumpers, I always crochet any blankets we use. I have a nice stash of yarn, mainly 4ply, which I prefer to use. I've started on the first sleeve, I did think she had not purchased enough yarn, but I have just over 5 balls to do both sleeves and front band.
Hubby made a red velvet cake, which we both love, making the frosting using dairy free cream cheese, so the little ones can eat it, so moist, sat outside in the sunshine, sharing a special moment. The children loved it and wanted more, Will thought it was purchased from a shop. 
I'm not always sure about this authors works, she covers topics which can be thought provoking and hard, here teenage suicide or was it murder, two families lives so close, their children friends from birth. I did enjoy reading this book. Book 29 read this year.
I have a very happy husband, last December he won a raffle prize, which he was extremely happy with. This week tickets arrived for the Kings birthday, Trooping of the Colour, we have a pair of tickets, lovely seats for the event in June, we have booked hotel, coach tickets and have places at a luncheon after. Hubby has marched years ago infront of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, but never watched it.

We have been to an event attended by our late Queen, posted here, here hopefully we should see the King, and maybe other members of the royal family, would like to see William, not interested in seeing the Camilla, I have never liked her. 


  1. Oh my goodness, the comment by Will about the cake made me really laugh this morning. The cake looks scrumptious! Your pressed flowers are beautiful-what a lovely way to display them. Catriona

  2. Lovely dried flower picture. Dried petals are so fragile.
    Congratulations on Trooping the Colour - hope the sun shines for you.

  3. Your Hubby's red velvet cake looks delicious.

    Not long until Trooping The Colour, it should be very enjoyable.

    All the best Jan

  4. Sorry to see that somebody spilt black ink over your "Trooping The Colour" ticket. Will it still be valid? Hell, I can't even see your names!

  5. The pressed flower arrangement in that frame is very lovely. I like the colour of the sweater, here in Canada the pattern would be called basketweave.

    God bless.

  6. Trouping of the Colour will be a marvellous day out for you both. Xx

  7. Love your pressed flower arrangement. Trooping the Colour will be something to remember

  8. The pressed flowers are so pretty. I love my flower presses, I even pressed some of the flowers from Eleanor's bouquet after her wedding. I remember you winning your raffle prize, it will be a lovely weekend away.

  9. You made a very pretty design with your pressed flowers.
    Red velvet cake is a favourite cake in this family too. I hope you both enjoy the Trooping of the Colours in a few weeks time. Have fun.

  10. How exciting to go to the Trooping of the Colour. Hubby's cake looks amazing and I love your pressed flowers and the cardigan you are making. You are a very skilled knitter.
