Friday 24 May 2024

Change of destination

Both hubby and I enjoy the Thursday quiz on Zoe Ball's breakfast show on radio 2, just 5 questions each week, the quiz master started an online quiz back in March 2020, when we were all locked inside. We had heard some of his back story, so when he said he had written a book, we both decided we would like to read it. It's a sad tale, not uncommon, broken families, he is honest and shows how he turned his life around, and one little wrong moved grew into this big story. Book 30 read this year.
I am aware of Rob Rinder on TV, I've not watched any programmes he has been in, I read another blogger enjoyed this book, so I got a copy to read whilst we were away. The prologue was it bit a of red flag for me, starting with the well loved, good looking successful police officer, but I kept reading. I really enjoyed this book, very clever believable plot, I loved how he kept adding to the case and plot, and an good ending. I will look out for his second book, with the same characters. Book 31 read this year.
I have loads of paper bags from our fruit and veg, I never throw anything away, this year I want to save seeds, so I have stapled the plant tag on each bag and will collect seed heads, a bit of fun, which could enhance my garden. These will stay in my dry garage until I can sow them.
These are from Bellis Perennis, white, tiny daisy like flowers, I have a pot full of them, these started the idea, it's going to be fun and hopefully I get free plants for next year. I would like to see these sprinkled around the garden, I do love daisies.

We had booked a few days away at Stoke on Trent, but the weather forecast was horrendous, heavy rain for two days, we wanted to visit potteries, lots of time outside. We managed to change our hotel bookings, delaying the visit until July, and drove to Somerset to stay with my brother, visiting family instead. Our last visit was back in November 2023, every time we planned a visit something came up.

Just a few lazy days catching up with family and our Taunton boys. I think my sister has given me a cough and cold, all I need is to shake it off quickly, we are back home now. It's nice to visit, but oh so nice to be back at home.

The garden and greenhouse are OK, no plants lost to the munching slugs and snails, I have come home with a few extra plants, we saw some vibrant colours on coleus leaves, hubby loves these plants, and I have a nice pot I can plant them in. I have a huge harvest of broad beans to pick, some will be frozen for Christmas lunch. 


  1. A very bad year for slugs and snails.

  2. I like Rob Rinder - not read his book though, I wasn't aware he'd written any to be honest. Glad you had a good time down here, sorry to hear you've brought back a cold and cough though, I hope it clears soon.

  3. I wasn't aware that Rob Rinder had written any books.
    Pleased you enjoyed 'The Trial'.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. Sounds like you still had a lovely get away. Sorry to hear that you have a cold and cough.

    God bless.

  5. Never in my life did I ever think I would hear about someone planning a little holiday break in Stoke-on-Trent even if it has won the GCIE* trophy for the past fifteen years in a row.

    *Grimmest City in England

    1. Chances are we won't go into the city, we are looking at potteries, I love old buildings and how things were made years ago. We have been to cotton mills, and other sites.

  6. Brilliant idea for saving seed for next year.

  7. Lovely to catch up with your other grandchildren. Glad you enjoyed your stay in Somerset.
