Friday 31 May 2024

May Round-up

I think my cheaper year has flown out the window, we knew the garden would need bits, but it's gone to another level, this year has started as the most expensive start in the last 15 years. My list was never about saving money, just a reminder for myself, what I was spending my money on. Little craft spend.

I did purchase a new cardigan to wear when we are at The Trooping of the Colours, everything else I am wearing I've had a while. 

I am having issues with Blogger, a few of the bloggers I follow are not showing up on my reading list, I have no idea why it's happening, I have not made any changes to my pages. It's a pain, I hope it rights itself soon. 

We did have some food waste at the beginning of the month, being ill, neither of us was bothered to check, it does not happen too often, some bits I did pop into the freezer, now we are back controlling, what we purchase and what we eat. 

Bonus month on my weight, I have lost weight, and kept it off, I feel good about it, hopefully I can now keep losing a pound here and there. My step are up, trying to hit the 7,000 mark most days.


  1. The blogger thing is very strange, my blog is one that people can't read except by searching for it elsewhere and I've not changed anything either.
    If I counted steps they would be well down I reckon - the constant rain isn't very good for getting out about

    1. I now have four blogs who do not show on my reading list, your is one of them, I've checked everything and I think it's a blogger issue.

  2. Your garden is getting spoilt this year. I haven't noticed any Blogger issues, I shall have to check that.

  3. It's very easy to spend on the garden, so many lovely plants to buy. I wasn't able to read a certain blog for quite while but that issue has resolved itself now, no idea what the matter was, I've not noticed an issue with any others at the moment.

  4. If you build up your propagated plant collection to sell. It will pay for compost and seeds..?

    1. That would be great, not sure if I can get to that level, but as they say 'every little helps'

  5. Blogger does seem to have issues from time to time, it can be a little frustrating!

    All the best Jan

  6. We also had a pretty spendy year on our garden this year. The plant prices rose, but then again we built a trellis/divider and lumber is super expensive here.

    I am doing okay with my blog list, so I wonder if it is something happening in the UK?

    God bless.

  7. My other blog stopped linking to other blogs and couldn't fix it hence newsy bits on my craft blog, so annoying. Love love love your green house, looks really good!

  8. I've also noticed that some of the blogs I follow are now missing from my feed. Even if I try and follow again, they still don't show. Xx

  9. Congratulations on the weight loss. Mine seems to have plateaued at the moment, but that's okay. I have been a real spendthrift this year and need to rein it in. I've probably spent most money on new to me clothes, due to my weight loss, which was necessary as everything got too big.. Most have come from charity shops though.

  10. Blogger up to its annoying tricks again. I hope it gets sorted quickly for you. Well done for the weight loss and more so keeping it off.
