Thursday 30 May 2024

Just waiting

My sister found this frog, she got a set of three, one blue, one red, which are her favourite colours and this green one, which I love. I had thought to place it near my wildlife pond, but it's too nice to be tucked at the bottom of the garden.
I've just finished this book, it was recommended to me, set back in early 1900's, not a period I normally read about, it was fun, clever idea, the staff old and current pay back the lady of the house, daughter to deceased man, who had ties in a more lowly part of London. I'm not sure if I would read another book by the author. Book 32 read this year. 
 My greenhouse is still full, lots of bedding plants, almost ready to go out, along with herbs and some leeks. I have plants on the mini greenhouse frame, it's still working hard, even without the plastic cover it's a useful space. There are two tubs with 4 cauliflower plants in, these will go into the raised bed once the broad beans are finished, and a tub with a horseradish plant. My sphagnum moss stays in here on the big plant pot saucer. 
I have 2 tubs of carrots I would like to be outside, but neither have holes in the bottom, so with all the rain they stay inside, I also have 2 tomato plants, the green tub has broad bean husk in, my composter is full for now. There are plants which need to go out, again the rain is stopping me moving things. Along the back are my succulents and cacti, it's a permanent feature in here. 

It's been a nothing few days, home together, out in my garden when I can, reading when it's wet, the evenings have been cooler again, time watching TV.  We both loved Race around the World, which ended last night, the producers choose interesting people, opinions made at the start change as we get to know them, everyone running to the same goal, brilliant TV. Sewing bee is back on, I'm not inspired with the sewers so far, hubby over the years has always watched with me, he now loves it as much as me, I'm hoping after a couple of eliminations, we can see past the ego's, and enjoy their journey. 


  1. You are such a neat and tidy gardener. I have empty plant pots and gardening detritus under my kitchen table potting bench in the polytunnel.

    1. I am neat in everything I do, growing up 1 of 9 children, my mum gave us our own space which we kept tidy and clean, old habits don't die.

  2. ... that frog does look good :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Everything is so wonderfully organized. Me, well things are put in helter skelter, which sometimes work and other times does not.

    God bless.

  4. I thought that frog was real at first sight. It's very cute. I love your greenhouse. So organised. OH would love a greenhouse in our side return. It's on the list of things to do. I completely agree about Race Across the World. It's one of the only things I watch religiously on TV these days.
