Monday 3 June 2024

June already

I picked this book up from our local charity shop, I've not read this author, it's a great book, so many issues going on behind closed doors, what looks like a normal marriage, sadly things spiral out of control, how will it end. A great read, I could not put it down. Book 33 read this year. 
Just some of the blooms outside,
when the sun does shine, and now we are entering summer time, I have everything crossed for hot sunny days and time outside. 
We had George on a double sleep over, he always gets upset when he has to leave our home, so on Thursday evening, he waved goodbye to mummy and Will, Molly was at nursery, he ate all his tea, enjoyed a lovely bubble bath, and went to bed as a very good boy. We have changed some of the toys, passing on old ones and getting different ones for him to play with, he loves cars, but he prefers to play with the big toy container, typical child. 
Friday we had an hour in the garden, I managed to plant a few more bedding plants, whilst he cycled around the garden on the scuttle-bug bike, for a while it was very over caste and looked like rain, later we walked to the park, there is a lovely play area there, home where he ate all his tea. 

Sadly George was very over tired after tea on Friday and cried for his mummy, and I decided to take him home, it was bed time, he often falls asleep in the car, so how to keep him awake for 20 minutes, well I saw loads of fire engine and police cars, lots of nee naws in the car, sadly George could not see any, we got to mummies still awake. He slept well and was OK in the morning, asking mummy where is nana, bless him.

Saturday was bright and sunny, I had a later morning, hubby brought me coffee and tea cake in bed, then after a while on here, out into the garden, veg section, the broad beans are now almost over and are not producing enough to keep their space, so they went into the composter, but not before giving us one last harvest, enough for two meals.

Sunday was another lazy start, hubby watered the garden the night before, giving it a good soak, the ground below the surface is just so dry. I planted out my cauliflower plants, six of them, I have leeks to go in and room for more carrots and beetroot. I popped in cabbage and more broccoli seeds along with some more mixed salad leaves, spring onions and radish. Our main meal was lamb with homegrown potatoes, broad beans and some baby carrots, which I thinned from my first sown lot. Plus salad leaves with our sandwiches. We walked to Portchester castle along our shore, the tide was out, still a perfect walk, lovely sunny hot day, we had tea and cake in the church tea room, inside the castle grounds. After lunch we sat in the shade enjoying our garden, watching the small birds, who have started using the water feature as a bird bath.

All my missing blogs from my reading list have again reappeared, typical blogger. Today after a quick trip to town, nothing else planned.


  1. I had the same problem with Blogger the other week, but it was just your blog that went missing from my reading list. Thankfully it is back where it should be. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend.

  2. I bought a rotating sprinkler from Dealz in Killarney yesterday for 4 Euros. It's brilliant and makes short work of watering the perennials in my nursery and the veg plot and polytunnel. Things are getting very dry here. Farmers are making hay and silage.

  3. It's odd that the soil is dry after all the rain we've had. We can't win - it's either soggy or dust!

  4. Your garden blooms look very colourful.

    All the best Jan

  5. What a lovely visit with George and look how he asked after you!!!
    Our soil seems dry as well and we get a bit of rain almost every day. I think it might have something to do with the drought we have had the two years previously.

    God bless.

  6. George clearly adores you. You must look forward to his visits. Xx
