Wednesday 3 May 2023

Making things better

I was going to put words on here and then remembered these lovely flower stickers, I'm very pleased with the result, and will pop it up in my office, it's too nice to go in the garage.
Outside, I am so pleased with my bedding plants, I purchased them in strips as small plants a while ago and potted them on, the plants and more importantly the roots are strong and healthy, perfect for planting out. I have begonia's and bizzy lizzies to pot on, they will go out into the ground later this month.

The few new plants are doing well this week, I got the Azealia from the village, the red and white is very pretty, my Camelia has loads of blooms, the Chinese witch hazel is a few years old, but is steadily growing.  My Alpine garden is planted in the old bird bath, I do need some top covering, at the moment it's just sand, I hope to get some tiny stones. 
My original Peony has loads of buds, I adore this plant, it's the most special plant in my garden, my mum loved it and care for it for years. Last year none of the buds opened, so I am hopefully these will bloom. 
Whilst our neighbour is behaving nicely towards us (ie not shouting or accusing us of anything), hubby has decided to replace the final 2 panels at the bottom of the garden, he has pulled all the stuff out and it's behind the garage, we have the same man coming back soon to do the work, the panels will be delivered early so hubby can paint them before they are placed. This will be the first time in 14 years we have had someone who is working in the garden to return, normally the kafuffle caused ensure no one normally returns. 
The garden is looking good, I still have to side bed to sort, but the bluebells are in full bloom and the daffodil leaves need to die back a bit more, I managed to plant all the gladiola corns and set up a frame to keep them upright, at the back of the old herb bed. Hubby has sealed a tiny hole in one of our water buts, I am hoping it works, if not we will need to purchase a replacement. More importantly, we had loads of time to sit in the sun and enjoy our space, when the sun shines I do have to be outside, these days I dream of my perfect layout, which would include new buildings, patio's and even space for a couple raised veg beds, all very expensive, and only a dream, but it's nice to dream.

My back has started aching, so I am being very careful, I do need to dig out my composter, but it can wait a week, I am crafting inside and resting, I am having a busy week, spending time with our littlest  grandchildren tonight, I'm having a sleep over on Friday, whilst mummy has a night out and daddy is working away. Tuesday we went to a garden centre for coffee and a chat with sign group, we then went to B&Q, hubby needed more fence paint, I wondered in the plant section, opps, so new plants and other bits came home with us.

The house feels clean and tidy, we both like to pack things away, but had got a bit naughty at popping things in the spare bedroom wardrobe and the back of our wardrobe, growing up in a large family we each had our own space and mum always wanted everything clean and tidy, as I get older I get more and more like my mum. On a happy finish, my third Amaryllis bloom is opening, another stunning bloom. 


  1. Glad all is well . There is a saying that "fences make good neighbours" So that will be a relief to you when finished ...we are working on thickening up a hedge on our boundary . I love the red Peony . My mum loved them too . You doing any sewing ? 💐

    1. Just got my sewing machine out, my cross stitch is growing, and I'm finishing off my second cardi. Will post next time.

  2. That's good news with your third Amaryllis bloom opening :)

    All the best Jan

  3. So sorry that your back is acting up, but glad you are resting it. Enjoy your time with the littlest one.

    God bless.

  4. It seems to be fairly common that as we grow older we become more like our mothers! I sometimes wonder if my daughter will end up like me. Good luck with the fence - I hope the neighbour continues her Nice Streak and you get it finished without any hassles. Take care, Mxx

  5. Oh no. I hope your back will be ok Marlene. How frustrating when you want to be in the garden.
    Have a good weekend and rest up if you can x
