Monday 8 May 2023

Family times

Mummy and George met us at our favourite garden centre, on Thursday, they always have child friendly displays, George loves a chair. I did get just one plant, hubby got loads of pickles from their shop, he does like different taste, and they sell loads, he is BBQ ready now.
His favourite thing to eat is teacakes, mummy, grancha and nana had naughty cakes, at time to go home he walked to our car and climbed in, so he spent the afternoon with us. Loads of fun and laughter and very tired grandparents, I missed my Pilates class as I ached so much. 
Friday Mummy picked me up and we took George and Molly to a show at Kings Theatre in Portsmouth, it's a charming small building. Both children loved watching In the Night Garden, perfect show for them, they both joined in and enjoyed it, it was pure joy to watch them. I slept over at daughters house, so Friday evening I watched Minecraft videos with Will, and enjoyed Saturday morning together. 
Sunday we went to have afternoon tea with them, we sat outside with their neighbours, we didn't have any street parties here, the last one fizzled out. The children had loads of fun, the main road next to their street was closed for a few hours, so it was safe for them to play, a lovely sunny warm day, loads of laughter.

My Amaryllis is blooming, I feel so lucky to get a third bloom, this was an expensive bulb purchased from a garden centre, hubby got it as part of my Christmas gifts. My other bulbs are drying out in the garage, I have popped each one into a paper bag, so the bulbs are not touching, they are in a wooden tray, so hopefully they will be OK through the summer months. I have never done this before, so I don't know if it will work. 

We did watch TV on Saturday, it was a very historic moment, but I am not a fan of Charles, I think he will be a very different ruler than his mother, he will meddle and be out spoken. To me he is an entitled man, who likes his own way, he has good intentions and has used them for good, but now his mother is no longer here, he has no one to answer to. Maybe I should forget, but Camilla, both their roles in the disaster, which was his first marriage, I just don't like her. Many people are asking if the Royal family will survive, I do think it will, William hopefully will bring in change, become more like the European royals, become closer to the population, I can see Charles making changes, but not enough, he is of the old order. 

It's been a busy time, and I ache and I'm tired, as is hubby, we love spending time with this little family, it does make us sad as we don't get to see our other lads, they are so far away. This coming week is very quiet, only one appointment, so I plan to take it easy, I asked hubby to order me 2 books, so I can find some reading  time.


  1. I think it is wonderful that you are able to spend so much time together with your grandchildren (the ones near by, anyway). You will be making memories with them that they will treasure throughout their lives :) xx

    1. I grew up without grand parents, my parents were older, so I have no memories, We get so much enjoyment from our little ones.

  2. You have a beautiful family, Marlene. Xx

  3. I think your opinion of Charles and Camilla is probably shared by a lot of people. I didn't feel particularly drawn to the Coronation, but felt I probably should watch it, as it was such a historic event. I couldn't help thinking of Diana at times, it's hard to forget the tragedy of her death and the awful time that she had leading up to it. Hopefully, she's in a happier place now.

  4. Lovely that you have been able to spend time with George , Molly and Will and that they were able to play safely outside while the road was closed on Sunday.
    Your Amaryllis is amazing and has given such good value.

  5. Yes exactly how I feel about Charles and Camilla, I loved the pageantry part of it and do admire William and Kate.

  6. What an absolutely wonderful time you had.

    God bless.

  7. I agree with you with regard to Charles and Camilia and do believe it would have been far better if the crown had gone straight to William and Kate.
    CraftyNan xx

    1. Whilst I agree William and Kate will be much loved as rulers, I would like them to have as much time as they can with their family, so I'm happy and hopeful, I see him crowned in my lifetime.

  8. Beautiful photographs of the grandchildren.

    All the best Jan
