Monday 1 May 2023


Another new design added, this one I stitched earlier this year, just a few diamonds, this fills the last section along the bottom. I want to complete these and do the oblong box, then is back to the right side. The mark above the flower is where I unpicked one I did not like the colour, I can and will stitch over the mark.
We collected our pottery last week, all fired and finished, I was very impressed the flower was still attached to the plate, I will add some decoration using rub off stickers and it will hang in the garage over my garden side. The little pot I made to store my sewing clips in, I made it the size I needed forgetting it would shrink in the kiln, I can't get many clips in the pot, so I will find another use. 
Hubbys dish is the straighter sided dish on the left, mine is on the right, these were made on the wheel with the help of the tutor, she did more on mine to keep the shape, a potter I am not, they both look beautiful, they have been placed in our down stairs bathroom, it has a blue décor. 
Hubby struggled with the hand build, he started with a pot but could not get it neat, so he made me a plant saucer, which is very useful, Mojo is the nickname he calls me, I love it and love he made it for me., using colours I love. It was a brilliant thing to do together, so much fun. 
Sunday morning was sunny and dry, so the grandchildren spent hours outside playing, so much room to run around, we sat and watched them, the easiest of child care, they play so well together. 

I have been online and booked another day class, this time for wet needle felting, in hope to start my journey with needle felting, again it's in our local centre so just a free bus ride away, this will happen in early July. I am also watching for a couple more, which like the felting course I will do alone, it's not at all to hubby's taste. We still are looking for a few things to do together, hopefully in photography, which we both love. I also gave in and went to purchase the square boxes, but they are out of stock, so I got some cheaper ones the same size. 

Quiet weekend, Friday we cleaned the house, our friends arrived and we walked to the village for lunch and a long chat, my neighbour came with us, another lazy evening at home. Saturday was a day at home, outside in the garden, we both popped on shorts, it was warm all day, I got loads done, was shattered afterwards, lovely early night. Sunday we had daughter and the children, lovely roast turkey lunch, Will stayed for a sleep over, which was fun, he is so interesting and never stops talking. Today is a bank holiday, not that it makes any difference to us, just another day at home together and much quieter, I can find more to do outside, the garden is almost summer ready, not sure if the weather is going to be kind. 

April was a sort out month, our walk in wardrobe in our bedroom has been done, it looks much better, the back wall was a bit of a dumping place, for weeks we had loads from the spare bedroom wardrobe. As I was putting items back into the spare room, I had a huge sort, again things had been popped in there. So loads of decluttering, moving things around so they are in the correct place, why was there a canteen of cutlery in the wardrobe, and do we need 2 sets along with our everyday set. Living with less is so freeing, even with doors and drawers closed, it feels tidy as I enter into each room, I have turned into my Mother's daughter, she's watching me with a huge grin.


  1. Well done on the pottery, the pieces look nice.

    Great to see your grandchildren playing in the garden.

    Have a good month of May.

    All the best Jan

  2. I really like your pottery, all are one of a kind which is perfect.

    God bless.

  3. I need to do a lot of decluttering. I'm trying to psych myself up to do it.
