Monday 8 November 2021


 What do you get a person for their birthday, 

who does not want anything.

These snowdrops wind catchers will do, we were out and I saw them and loved them, so hubby purchased them for me, no chimes or bells, just a beautiful form, I'm not sure where they will go in the garden, I just popped them here because this plant is still in flower. They are hand made in Somerset, and a reasonable price each, there were other sizes these being the smaller size, which I think are perfect for my garden. 

My brother came for the weekend, he is driving home this morning , daughter and children came over on Saturday for a birthday lunch, Will does love a cake, we chose to have this a day early as we had a meal booked on Sunday evening, Will had a sleepover, he loves uncle Martin, so an early morning on Sunday. I had some lovely thoughtful gifts, flowers and money, I have asked most of the family not to get anything for me for my birthday, for Christmas, if they feel they must, just a nice bottle of red wine. It was lovely to be out again on Sunday for a meal, we have not had a meal out for almost 2 years, we have ordered takeaways to be delivered, I forgot the joy of getting ready and wearing nice clothes.

So here I am I have reached 66 years old, I now receive a government pension, and I can apply for my bus pass to allow free travel, on the down side I have more wrinkles, rolls of fat, aches in various places, more medical issues, less teeth and hair. BUT I am fit and able to get about and do things, how I look and how I feel do not match, I am vain, I do like to look good, I still often look in the mirror and think, is that really me?

Our lives won't change much, we will use the bus locally more and the car less, we have plenty of time to use slower buses, next year we will visit more of our Hampshire towns on the bus routes. I stopped working over 3 years ago, so I have plenty to do at home inside and outside. We have discussed joining a few things, local walking group, dance classes and me yoga, I'm going to just try it, if my shoulder gives me problems I can stop, it's the cooler wetter months where we don't do as much as we should. 

We do need to save, getting the boiler renewed and putting in triple glazing in recent years has sunk a huge hole in the amount we hoped to have as our backup, but they both save us money on our bills. Nothing more needs to be done in house or garden, (ha ha I've said that before about the garden) so our plans are get fitter, go out more and save, save, save. 


  1. Wishing you a happy belated birthday. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend celebrating with family.

  2. Happy belated birthday, Marlene, it sounds like you had a really lovely weekend. The snowdrop wind catchers are beautiful, what a thoughtful present. I like your description of your age...I DO feel my age (62) at present, due to my aches and pains, but am hoping the osteo will sort that out. Have a nice day x

  3. Belated birthday wishes. I like your plans to make use of the buses, to get fit and to save.

  4. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you. It's good there are some perks of getting older.

  5. Belated Happy Birthday to you.
    I reckon the best bit of being 66 is getting a pension!
    All the rest is annoying as I'm sure I'm still about 39

  6. Happy birthday Marlene! I hope your weekend was marvellous.

  7. Belated Happy Birthday. Oh the joys of getting older - I am just one year older than you and I can identify with your little list of down sides!
    Love the snowdrops.

  8. Happy belated birthday wishes, Marlene. Glad you had a good time going out for dinner.
    Oh, I know that feeling of wondering if it is really me that looks back from the mirror. Whatever happened to that svelte 18 year old that thought she would stay young forever? Haha, I guess she got old :))

  9. Well , I wish you a wonderful Happy Birthday and I love the Snowdrop sculptures in your pretty garden :) x

  10. Happy birthday from Australia. Same age same most things! We don't get free bus travel,just one free trip a year although it is half price for pensioners. Sometimes it's a struggle keeping the emergency fund intact but probably never more important with our set limited income!

  11. Sending happy belated birthday wishes.
    It certainly sounds that you enjoyed a lovely weekend celebrating with family.

    All the best Jan

  12. Happy Birthday. I think those snowdrop ornaments are lovely.

    God bless.
