Sunday 7 November 2021

Keeping busy.

I am loving this project, it's so relaxing, each section once done comes alive with colour, I am always running my fingers over the work. I work on it most afternoons when the light is good. 
Just the bottom corner to stitch and then it will be made into a cushion, my crafty friend should love it, she does loads of things for other people, including teaching us sign language each Tuesday. 
I went into our dangerous shop in the village, mainly for buttons, daughter has been looking for a Christmas outfit for Molly, but can't find one, so I said leave it to me, I chose this holly fabric, I will ensure Molly has a red top and tights for underneath. The ribbons go well, better get my sewing machine out again. I have added this to my craft spend chart. 
I am busy making Luna Lupin, I will do a separate post once she is finished, crocheting my blanket, I have just started the last colour, and sadly I am removing the button band on my cardi, I have ordered another ball of the green, I don't have enough to knit the band in one piece of yarn and I don't like to see joins. Luckily I don't like to sit and do nothing, we never have TV on in the daytime, I do love radio 2 in the mornings. 

We sat listening to so many booms on Friday night, the huge houses behind us had firework parties, Grace sat on my lap all evening, Purdy slept in her basket, Purdy is not frightened by the noise, Grace was unhappy. 

I have started to think about my Christmas cards, I have enough stuff here to make them without purchasing anything new, I am running down my card stock, it's not something I make often. I am also getting my glass fusion stuff out to make a couple of items, again this is a seasonal craft for me. 

November I like to clean before the decorations come out in December, I am planning to clean the tops of the kitchen cabinets, plus I want to clean the cabinets in our dining room. I always feel happier once these are cleaned, it then feels right to pop the decorations around the dining room. 

I have done very little in the garden, just picking up leaves, the cold mornings are ensuring my begonias are now fading, I love their colourful flowers. I still have colour outside, but the bare patches are growing as everything is fading. My dogwood stem are bright red and do look good infront of the water but, very colourful. We have had a couple of mornings with air frost, the garage roof has been white a few times, the wind is again from the north, so it's much cooler. 


  1. You certainly know how to keep yourself busy, it's nice to have a range of hobbies you're interested in, it saves the boredom creeping in. Our local firework display was on Friday but still the bangs were nothing compared to last night, they were still going off when I went to bed, and that wasn't early. Archie used to be petrified on Bonfire Night but he's losing his hearing now and they didn't bother him, thank goodness.

  2. Your friend will love that cushion. And your daughter will be thrilled with the holly outfit for Molly, the red accents from the ribbon together with red tights and top will make it look so festive.

  3. I'm intrigued as to what this dangerous shop is?

  4. Our local haberdashery shop has new owners and loads of new brilliant stock, it's just 5 minutes walk from our house. Every time I pop in, I find more and more lovely items.

  5. I do like that holly fabric, a perfect choice for a Christmas outfit.

    All the best Jan

  6. I chuckled at the thought of the dangerous shop! I have a few on that list! What a lucky friend to get that gorgeous cushion x
