Monday 11 February 2019

Busy weekend

So much promise
 1st of many cuttings in water to root.
 These are so simple and quick to knit, 
just shame about the huge size. 
Saturday I popped to Hobbycraft to get a few items, mainly a artbin box for my metal dies, expensive but a great storage solution, was really good and did not spend too much. I got nothing at the garden center next door.
My sister and her partner were down for the weekend, we both love craft, so we have a nice visit to Hobbycraft on Saturday, whilst our men watched rugby on TV at home. Later we walked to our local curry house and had a fantastic meal, ate far too much food.
Sunday mummy, daddy and Will joined us for a family lunch, I love to have loads of people around the table for a meal, makes a roast dinner much nicer. Will was as cute as ever, sharing his new toys with everyone. We had later the afternoon and evening just the two of us, I was able to do loads of knitting, hubby's socks will be finished soon. It's great fun to have family to visit, I grew up in a busy house with a big family, but we both love the quiet once they have all gone home.
I am having a giveaway for my 10 anniversary of my blog, post a comment on my previous post to enter, I will pull names out of a hat early next week.


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend. x

  2. That looks like a very useful container for many things - I keep snatching moments of time to reorder some of my drawers in the office / craft room to make things easier and accessible. I like see through containers then I don't forget what is in them!
    I love your grandsons name Will whenever you mention him and I am really excited that there are mutterings coming from mum and dad that my new grandson might be a Will too. I cannot believe I now have 3 grandchildren suddenly - I am worried our house might not hold everyone now at Christmas!

    1. We have six grandsons and there is always room for them all.

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend

    Julie xxxxx

  4. What a great weekend, how lovely to have a houseful for your Sunday roast.

  5. Well done on your blog anniversary …
    Your weekend sounds great, I love it when family visit too.

    All the best Jan

  6. Nothing nicer than a family Sunday roast. Two stems on your amaryllis, how lovely. First time I've had one and the flowers just started to open.

  7. What do you use your metal dies for? Is it card making? It's good to get sensible storage for items that need protection - otherwise you've wasted money on buying them in the first place. Those metal dies look quite delicate. Sounds like you had a great time, with your family and friends. Food tastes better, with great company. :)

  8. I totally agree. It is great to have family around, then the quiet is nice too.

  9. Hi,lovely post.I have Dies and " Big Shot ",used to make loads of cards but don't bother much now.I had one of those Magnetic storage thingies for my dies.Glad you had a lovely weekend.x
