Saturday 9 February 2019

10 years on

Today is 9th February, a cold winters day, not much happening, but 10 years ago I started this blog, I love it as much as when I started, some of my topics have change as I have grown as a person and becoming more aware of the footprint I will leave behind me. My crafting is much the same, I do more knitting these days, because I have more time. I still love write my post's and read yours, it's like snooping from the comfort of my own home.
I have for years been printing my blog into books, my 1st was here, I am now working on last years post for my 2018 book, I use Blurb to print my books, I have always used the same printers, they are quick and the books can be made to a high standard, below I show how I prepare the pages, using the templates provided by the printers. These sit on my computer, so I can take my time to get everything right. I always print in November, when the best discounts are offered on Black Friday and I can use the better quality more expensive cover, pages and finish.

It's time for a giveaway, a package of goodies can be sent anywhere in the world, little things which I love and hope you will as well, just leave a comment, you know the rest. 


  1. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I love being able to look back at my posts of just a year and a half and you realise how easy it is to forget those little things, so a blog is a great way to preserve those memories. I love the idea of your year books. Best, Jane x

  2. Congratulations on blogging for 10 years.
    I think the idea of printing out your own books is brilliant.
    Would love to enter the giveaway, thankyou.
    Have a good weekend.

  3. Congratulations on 10 years blogging. I have only recently found you as I have only just found the blogging world. May you enjoy many more blogging years x

  4. 10 years, that's a long time Marlene! Your blog books are a great idea, everything recorded for posterity, must give you a lot of pleasure to look through them. And a record for your children and grandchildren in years to come.

  5. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! What a wonderful goal to hit. I think blogging is such a wonderful tool for recording our lives, sort of a modern day diary. I know in my heart that what I am really doing when I blog is leaving a record of sorts, an accounting for my children.

  6. So glad to know you in our little blogging community! I love the way you turn them into the books.

  7. Congratulations on your staying power! Your blog is so enjoyable to read.

  8. Congratulations on your ten years and that you have captured everything in your books. That is a lot of posts and a lot of knitting you should be very proud of your achievements.

  9. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. I've never thought of printing my blog but it's a lovely idea. I have used the Blurb site to do some photo books for gifts and found it rally easy to use.

  10. Congratulations - great achievement.

    I am in year 11 - how did that happen - but still love the record I've created; is it sad to enjoy looking back at my own past posts and remember things we've done?

  11. Congratulations! Ten years is a wonderful achievement. I'm glad you posted about printing out your blog as it's something I've been thinking about doing myself. X

  12. Happy anniversary. I bet the time has gone quickly, I know my 5.5years have.

  13. Well done for ten years I love seeing your projects"Carole x

  14. Congratulations on 10 years blogging.... here's to the next 10
    Always something lovely to see when we visit here.

  15. Gosh, I've forgotten how long I've been writing my blog. Something over ten years, like you. Nice books and printing layouts. Well done! :)

  16. The SO thinks that I should consider a book, I may add it to my gift list. I will have to look back ans see how long I have been here, I have no idea but it must be around the 10 year mark.

  17. How patient you are to have these lovely books made. I like your knitting projects and I’m enjoying your adventures with your loom.

  18. I thought I'd already left a comment on this post. I've been having some problems lately leaving comments, I didn't think the problem was on Blogger blogs though, so annoying, I'm going to have to check from now on before I leave the blog that my comment's taken. Anyway, many congratulations on ten years of blogging, you started just before I did. I started my first blog on the 1st of April 2009. Your books are such a good idea of preserving all your memories, they must bring you a lot of joy when you read back through them.
