Wednesday 13 February 2019

On my needles

A second knit for Will, I started this at the end of January, unpicked it when I realised it was going to be too small for him. It's very simple and relaxing to knit. 
I have started on one sleeve using 4 pins, I have ordered a circular set, which will be easier to use. The colours on this jumper is very easy to knit with. 
 Hubby's socks, I've finished all the knitting, 
just the toes to do and stitching in the ends.
 Enough yarn left over to make myself a pair,
switching the colours
 The yarn for weaving on my loom has arrived, I am forming a design, to use more colour. I have been reading the weaving book I purchased, and I'm impressed how many designs can be made on my loom. 
Loads of knitting, no crochet or sewing, and plans for weaving, busy time, but I spend so little time outside, so plenty of craft time. I have yet another small yarn order arriving this week, I have purchased some 3ply yarn for socks, my daughter makes such fine socks, I thought I would have a go.
Monday Will was lovely, we walked to the village and he went into the barbers to say hello to the man who cut his hair, he was given a lolly pop, it's still here on the side, not sure if Will really likes them.
Yesterday we had loads of fun at sign class, we all had a test, we were split into our two groups, and each group was asked 5 questions, the lower group only had to answer their questions, our group answered all ten. I got all the lowers questions right as did all our group, our questions were much harder, and whilst I did not get the whole of the question, I understood enough to be able to give an expected response. It does feel a step forward. We sat and chatted for ages after, loads of laughter a perfect morning.
Today is market day, so we will walk to the village, hubby wants to get me a plant for Valentines day, instead of flowers. I will give him the socks I have made.
I have noticed a third bud on my Amaryllis, it's only tiny, so I am hoping to have another flower.
It is a lovely sunny day again today, and hear people say spring is on it's way, but I never start anything much before March, and then only in my greenhouse, I have tried to get ahead at this time of year and almost always the weather becomes cold and even snows, or the plants become leggy trying to get to the sun. So as much as I am itching to get out in the garden, I am waiting, but then in my tiny garden, I don't have much to do.


  1. Love the colours in the little jumper.

  2. I have been looking for an easy pattern to start a jumper for one of my new grandchildren - but so far not found anything that I feel I could tackle to ease myself back into knitting (have not done any for over 20 years!). I love the colours in the little jumper you are knitting - I am never sure if you can use different wool to what the pattern specifies - I have a ball of King Cole wool and a Patons pattern but I am not sure if they will mix.
    Weaving is something I am much more confident with as I did it years ago as part of my degree course - had to sell my table loom in the end it was too big for our new house when we moved but by then I was much more into sewing - now I could quite well take it up again.

  3. I often use different yarn than shown on a pattern, if the thickness of the yarn is different, I always make a practice piece to check the size.

    1. We can all knit, it's the following of patterns which can cause issues. I can crochet but I find it very difficult to follow a pattern.

  4. Both jumpers look great, I'm so jealous of people who can knit. I try but lose patience.

  5. Lovely yarns and knits, Marlene. Husband is also itching to start sowing seeds, but I've convinced him it's too early.

    You're not alone, Tania, I don't knit either, I always seemed to get in a tangle with it, my poor Nan who tried to teach me used to get quite frustrated, I think.

  6. Hi,you are bizi.Great knits and beautiful yarn.Can't wait to see you weaving,good luck.x

  7. Hi all, if you look on Ravelry there is an easy jumper, top down called Flax (8ply) and Flax Light (4ply)Free pattern on Tin Can Knits. It comes in sizes newborn to 4xl adults . I've done 6 in different sizes . Good fun knit and easy to add length to body or sleeves if needed, some kids are tall and skinny or need add ons later because they grow like weeds. ☺

    1. Both jumpers above I'm using the pattern from Flax by Tin Can Knits.

  8. Will will look so cute in the sweater. We just bought a Valentine tulip. It was not expensive and will last much longer than cut flowers!

  9. You've been knitting up a storm Marlene. I bet hubby was thrilled with his valentine socks.

  10. I think your yarns and knits look lovely :)

    All the best Jan
