Friday 6 January 2017

Lovely things

12 Days of Christmas, 
it's a lovely gift swap run each year by Jo
 My swap from Debbie
  A great mixture of gifts
I hope you liked the ones I sent to you
we are already using the meal planner and shopping list pads.
My wool has arrived, its Baby Alpaca Silk, so very soft to touch
and double ended needles for socks, the various size pack was economical. 
 Two new books,
B A Paris, is a new author, I liked the sound of this book
Sharon Bolton, I have read another title, so my expectations are high.
I have started knitting a baby jacket in the black alpaca wool, I am knitting the side back and side as one piece, which I prefer for baby jackets, the colour choice is my daughters, black is not great to knit with but I'm now on the stocking stitch, so it will be easier. The wool is beautiful and so soft, I have issues with lanolin, so sheeps/lambs wool is hard for me to use.  So now I am juggling more craft and reading, but we don't go out much midweek, so I do have time.
I have also the image I require to cross stitch a cushion for hubby with his beloved Welsh Guards emblem in the middle, not hard work just a large project.
We have walked each evening after work, except today, it is raining heavy, I don't see any point in getting wet. I have worn my fitbit attached to my trousers loop, I was worried wearing the band on my arm would be creating extra untrue steps, but I am please to say, I have done my normal 6000 steps in my working day, I will happily wear it on my wrist, so I can view the watch.
Already the 1st week of the year is over, time is rushing by, the weekdays go so fast, we have managed to slow time over the weekends.
We are planning a low spend weekend, and have no plans for shopping for anything other than some fruit and veg.
I purchased hubby a Morphy Richards soup maker for Christmas, which we have been using, it's a great design and the blade is so simple to clean. Plus as a part of the company I work for, staff discount made it a great price.
Pizza for tea tonight as a treat, and a bit of catch up TV, perfect for a wet Friday evening.


  1. I was at an Alpaca centre yesterday on my way home from our break and I stroked ALL the things in the shop. But they didn't have any yarn for me to buy. I want some though. Just to knit something I can stroke! Looking forward to seeing the finished item x

  2. Your gifts look lovely and what a great idea. Love Sharon Bolton's books, not read B A Harris so interested in feedback. The wool looks gorgeous. I've been looking at soup makers and wondering if they're worth the money. One of my colleagues uses an electric omelette maker and says it's the best thing she ever bought!

  3. The yarn does look nice and soft.
    Lovely goodies you received in the 12 Days swap.

  4. Lovely gifts in the 12 Days swap :-)
    I will have to do my gift post in the next few days, i'm way behind in that.
