Sunday 8 January 2017

Another weekend

Oh for the life of a cat, 
they spent all of Saturday tucked up in their baskets
and are still there this morning
 I am loving knitting with the Alpaca wool, it's so soft
I have been shopping online
My black ankle boots are looking past their best, and I do hate scruffy shoes, hubby uttered the words 'Clarks have a 60% off sale', so I looked.
I'm a size 6 and for most of my life that's the most popular size and shops never have much choice in their sales. I found the above leather boots and a spare pair of slippers, but at a much reduced price.
I googled ladies feet size and found in fact our feet are getting bigger and came across this...
The house next door (Win's) has been put up for sale, we were stunned at the priced being asked, and again went on line and was shocked to see how much another local smaller bungalow sold for in the last couple of months, both houses needed alot of modernizing, and had 1 bedroom less than ours.
Hubby and I have agreed if the new owners are not friendly, we will sell up and find another bit of heaven to  move to.
I have finished reading Behind Closed Doors, B A Paris, I loved the story, the plot was interesting, and even though I could work out the ending, it was great to read how the author guided the plot. I would chose another of her books. I am not going to start another book, I want to get on with my knitting.
We have also reviewed our finances, we try and look twice a year, we are in a lucky position, hubby has very good pensions, we have agreed an amount to save each month, and a figure we would like to have in savings by the time I retire.
Later today after a bit of housework, we will visit our youngest, who with us are counting down the few weeks left of her pregnancy. When we get back it will be more knitting, I'm not enjoying knitting with black, but it does grow quickly, and once done I have a lovely (shown in last post) blue to use.
I am also planning the cot quilt, I have a few scheme's in my head.
Yesterday I worked on the design for another cross stitch cushion front, this time with The Welsh Guards emblem on, I have printed the chart ready to stitch, another bit project.


  1. Your cats look lovely and cosy in their baskets. I often wonder if Archie sleeps at night as he's quite happy to sleep the day through too. You've been lucky to get such a lovely pair of boots in the sale, I'm a size 6 too and used to think I had largish feet but I hear of more and more people with much bigger feet than me. I treated myself to some boots from M&S earlier this year when I had a 20% discount voucher. They're so comfortable that I decided I'd buy a second pair if they had them in the sale after Christmas but no such luck. Nice to see the lovely gifts which Debbie sent you in the swap in your last post, thank you for taking part.

  2. The furry people look quite content! I have a size 8 to 8 and a half foot plus it is a wide foot. sometimes finding shoes can be tough!

  3. The knitting does look nice and soft.
    Your cats look cosy in their beds.

  4. Oh wow you are super talented - I love home knit items. The cats are as cosy as can be there !
    I think New Year is a great time to review finances and other things, we've been doing the same :)
