Tuesday 3 January 2017

Stitching again

I saw this and thought how true
I have stitched on Joyful World, my aim is to finish it and frame it, not sure where I will hang it when finished, only after this is finished can I think of anything new to start.
I am also looking at cotton material, I want to make a patchwork cot quilt of our new baby due in a few weeks, I am thinking I will use a log cabin design.
I have ordered a couple of books to read, so with my wool order I am expecting a couple of nice parcels to arrive.
Today my first day back at work went well, we were busy but not as busy as expected, it was quiet easy to slot back into work. It was also nice as driving to work in the morning, it was not as dark as it has been, makes me think of spring and the new growing season.
This year instead of inflicting my will on hubby, I asked him what he would like to focus on, 1st we agreed to save more, our spending habits are now reaping us spare cash each month. 2nd he wants us to walk more, with the view to being able to cycle in the better weather, so these will be our focus for 2017, but done without slipping away from all we have already achieved.
We also looked at our saving jar, it has just over £90 in, but as we need nothing, the coins all went back in and we will keep adding until the jar is full, which should be summertime and will give us funds for a nice day out.


  1. Love that quote at the beginning! We are focusing on similar things, last year hardly went out on our bikes with my mother in law not being well. We have resurrected our savings bottle but it's quite empty at the moment and we are tightening our belts this year and trying to curb non-essential spending!

  2. A great plan for saving and then rewarding yourselves. Good luck with the quilt.

  3. Cant wait to see the quilt you make, the days are defiantly showing signs of being a bit longer, I noticed it yesterday :-)

  4. Looking forward to seeing the quilt

    Julie xxxxxx

  5. You're not that far off finishing Joyful World now. Mine has been put to one side for the time being, I'll get back to it soon.

  6. The quote completely hit the mark with me! Look forward to seeing your 2017 projects. Jx

  7. I 'coppered up' my pound coin bottle with a view to exchanging the coins at the bank as the round pound coin is being phased out by October. It's surprising how much money can be accumulated.

  8. My joyful World has come out again, just two months till a finish on mine.
