Friday 30 August 2024


 I've been busy in the veg section, after sorting the pond area, I started looking at the raspberry bed, for some reason the centre plants did not grow this year, I was going to get a couple more plants. I had a bright idea to move the blueberry tub to the bare spot, this should work as the blueberries ripen before the later raspberries, I already have a netted frame to stop the birds, it's a lovely sunny spot. 

The empty space from the blueberry tub I decided would be a great permanent space for the strawberry tower, there is enough space to place a net over the ripening berries when needed, hubby placed a paver underneath to help with stability. The rhubarb is huge, I have not picked any this season, as it's instructed to do in the first year, next year harvesting it will keep it smaller. 

This side of the garage is now home for two huge potato bags and the huge pot, they sit in this spot and have plenty of room, making the entrance to my back working area much easier to get to, most of the items grown here do not need loads of sunshine to ripen. This mixture of flowers/shrubs and veg can't be seen from the front of the garden and house, but I do still like pretty spots where I work.

This book is my gardening bible, I have loaned it from our local library many times, so hubby decided to get me my own copy. The author has sound advice, great knowledge, he trained at Kew gardens, so much I already know, but it's great to see an 'expert' doing the same things, this book sits beside my chair, so I can check things easily. 

I have finished sifting all the removed soil from the pond area, I was surprised at how much I had, most has been popped on the top of the empty section of the veg bed, I do have loads of leaf mulch and home made compost to pop on as well. The path infront of the greenhouse is again clear, I hope I have learnt my lesson and won't fill it again (fingers crossed). I did the work over a few days, hubby and I lifted the huge blueberry tub, using straps under the pot makes a much easier lift for two oldies, loads of rest beaks, having sunny days has helped.

Both raised veg beds have done well this season, it has been a difficult growing year, I have loved growing vegetables, my runner beans are giving us two meals each week, there are still loads of flowers and beans to come. Parsnips and beetroot are both doing well, I have lettuce seeds coming through as well, in the second bed the leeks are growing strong. 

I have the same broad beans as last year to go in, I will use the other bed to rotate the veg's being grown, I have sown winter cabbage and we are chatting regarding planting onion sets, gardening does not stop, even on wet days there is always planning. I always wear gloves now so no dirty fingernails, but the joy of working outside can't be matched.


  1. We need to do so much work in our garden. Everything has stopped whilst we've had a friend's dog staying with us. He goes home today though, so maybe work will resume soon.

  2. Your garden looks so luscious. We have very poor soil here in our ex-graveyard garden so veg and fruit struggle. We shall have to invest in a lorry load of decent soil and compost.

  3. I need to dig up the remaining beetroot in my raised bed. I've been enjoying it roasted, but I'd really like to get some pickled.
    You've reminded me to get some new gardening gloves. I never used to bother with them, but they make such a difference, don't they. Xx

  4. Wearing gloves is something I struggle with. Even though I would like to avoid the dirty fingernails, there is something about feeling dirt on the hands that I love.
    I do like seeing all your pretty little corners in your garden :)

  5. Gardening never stops, indoors or out. You are being rewarded well for your hard work.

  6. I love how you can grow things in pots from year to year. I would need to plant them in the ground and hope the roots don't die off in the cold winter.

    God bless.

  7. There's always plenty to do in a garden ... you have been busy.
    Enjoy the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan
