Wednesday 28 August 2024

Last week in August.

 I've got a few more seeds, these come 'free' with garden magazines, I have a subscription to Kitchen Garden, just for a year and Garden Answers, which I got this time as an account I follow on Instagram was featured, I will use all 5 packs. I have no plans to purchase any more seeds or bulbs, unless I see something different to grow, I never say never.

This is Lola, she is almost two years old and has been chosen by daughter as their new cat, she has had a litter of kittens who have all founds good homes, here in daughters dining room, she is very placid, the 3 children already love her. Her colours are very like my Grace, a pretty lady. We are still waiting, we have a week in Spain booked and will look after our return. 
George has new wheels, he is far too tall for a pushchair, here he looks tiny, but the buggy will allow him to grow and be comfortable, it's really sturdy, he does not have enough strength, to walk too far, play and then walk back, he is happy to sit and ride, often to fun places. Molly walks most of the time, her legs are strong, daughter has kept the double buggy for this year, but it's hardly ever used.

The garden is looking good, the recent rain has helped, my water butts are full again, sadly I can see gaps in the flower beds as some plants start to go over, my square bed needs more work next year, I'm so happy every where else, it's a good feeling to be so happy with our space. I've not done much as it's all looking so good. I do have some soil to sift, its too damp to do it, hopefully in a few days I can get it all done.

Sunday was busy I did some housework in the morning a friendly neighbour popped in later in afternoon, we had a lovely chat, she is looking to move just around the corner from our road, she has a new older neighbour, they have a shared drive and he is always at her door, following her when she is working in her front garden, it is unsettling her. The property she is looking at has a huge garden and is bigger than her home, houses here sell very quickly, so it could be viable, sad to see her put into this position, she lives alone, we had loads of laughter and red wine, sadly we had to sit inside, it was wet. 

Monday was a bank holiday, which makes no difference to us, it was sunny but the ground wet, we had another huge storm overnight, hubby used the new washing machine and is happy, it's very simple to use, I'm getting better using our new Shark vacuum cleaner, my Dyson stopped charging. We walked to the village for a few bits, it was nice to get out of the house, for the last few days we have sat and read whilst the rain falls. Daughter popped in for an hour, Will and George stayed with me whilst mummy and Molly went to meet Lola. We had a lazy evening reading just the two of us.

Tuesday we popped to Fareham, I was hoping to replace a garden lamp which was broken this week by Will and his football, sadly they were sold out, I will look next year. We had lunch out and popped to a couple more shops, but came away without spending any money, we used our bus passes on both journeys, so a cheap trip and no cooking later.


  1. Lola sounds like the perfect companion. So you may soon have an old friend as a new near-neighbour - that will be nice.

  2. They sell the garden magazines you mention over here but we never get the free seeds. I think its because of Brexit. I made twenty new Shasta Daisies plants this morning in the polytunnel.

  3. Welcome Lola…here’s to some fun times ahead with her especially for the children. X

  4. Your daughter's new cat looks lovely she has a very pretty face I have a Lola too but she is a dog!!

  5. Sounds like life has been busy at your place the last few days - always good, in my book :)
    I was intrigued by your comment about the vacuum cleaner not charging. It seems I have heard a lot of similar stories just recently and have to say they have put me off looking at purchasing one.
    The new kitty looks like a sweetie. Have a good day :) xx

  6. Awww Lola looks a sweet little thing, I think it's goo for children to have a pet. Does that mean you are looking to get a new cat too then?

    1. It's never been in doubt I would have another cat, we are waiting until after our holiday.

  7. Such a pretty kitty. I am sure she will be well loved.

    God bless.

  8. Lola looks gorgeous. I'm sure the children are going to adore her. And it's nice to hear that you are going to 'look' yourself, soon.
    George seems vey pleased with his new wheels :)

  9. Aww Lola looks sweet and I like Georges new wheels.

    All the best Jan

  10. George looks very happy with his new wheels, bless him. Their new cat looks gorgeous.
