Wednesday 10 July 2024

Three already

Molly at her party on Saturday, with her unicorn cake, it was a joy to see her with all her little friends, some George knew, so a happy few hours. The children loved the games, played well together, the house was reasonably tidy when they left. I was pleased to get this photo, which does not show the other children's faces clearly. 

It was Mollys birthday on Tuesday, so we visited, along with Grandma and Grandpa, we gave her the big unicorn she wanted, it's like a space hopper, plus a couple small mice for her dolls house. She shared her presents with George, allowing him to play, they are just like twins.
Will is not in many photo's, he ask not to be included, so it's rare to get one of him, I don't think he will object to this photo. Sunday night after he had settled in bed, daughter heard a noise and went to investigate, this is what she found, Will is army mad.
This month Will finishes infant school, I love his hoodie, as does he, in the numbers are every child's name. Schools are getting very clever at their fundraising through the year, they also have a system in this case where you can donate an extra £1, to pay for hoodies for a child who's family are not able to purchase themselves. Every child leaving had one.

It's been a family few days, I met a friend for coffee on Monday, and a walk around Port Solent, amazingly it did not rain. Tennis is on TV every afternoon and evening, most of the men's matches are going as expected, the ladies championship is anyone's to win.

I have done nothing in the garden, at minimum I need to dead head the flower beds, and harvest blueberries, the birds have taken loads, but the net has protected loads for us. Hubby had another cauliflower for his tea, not much else ready in the veg garden or greenhouse. 

Today should be less wet, it's not raining here, and there is a tiny wedge of blue skies.


  1. The hoodie idea is wonderful - both the names of every child and the thoughtfulness of providing for those less well off.

  2. I agree …a really lovely idea to help those who can’t afford a hoodie.
    My garden is absolutely sopping wet! The roses don’t take kindly to all the rain that we’ve had! Here’s hoping that it will improve from now on! 😁

  3. She looks delightful. They are such poppets at that age.
    It seems that everyone enjoyed the party.

  4. It's been a fantastic year for flowers. Even the wild verges and hedgerows are full of wild rose blossom and the purple Loosestrife looks magnificent. It must be all the rain.

  5. Three years have rushed by so quickly. I love the photo of Molly sitting on the unicorn - so cute :)

  6. Goodness, those three years have gone so quickly.
    Lovely photographs. Happy belated birthday wishes for Molly.

    All the best Jan

  7. The hoodie for fund raising and getting a bit extra to purchase one for a student that can't afford one are such great ideas. Molly looks very happy to be celebrating her third birthday. How quickly the years rush past.

    God bless.

  8. Love Will's hoodie. Very clever and inclusive. The kids grow so quickly don't they. Glad Molly had a lovely birthday. The cake looks amazing.

  9. Such a lovely idea with the hoodies.
