Friday 12 July 2024

It's wet out there.

 I have not done anything outside for a week, which is totally out of character for me, it's been busy here so Wednesday was my first gardening day, dead heading was my first job, the flowers looked good from the distance, but not close up. This bed has been everything I wished for, my square bed is almost there, and the new back bed just needs the fleabane daises to fill out and it will be perfect. 

My veg beds, where do I start, well the runner beans failed, waste of space this year, I am going to pull them out and leave the space clear. The later broccoli plants have all gone to seed, I cut my cauliflowers small as they were also going to seed, my leeks, parsnips and beetroot are thriving. I never expected a great harvest this year, but I did hope for a bit more success, with new beds it's a learning curve.

Tomatoes are not their best, the beef tomato plant is doing well, growing outside but is shaded by the rhubarb, I've not cut the rhubarb this year, so hopefully it won't be an issue next year. Inside the greenhouse my two other plants are beginning to form decent sized tomatoes. My replacement cucumber plant has decided not to grow, so I've given up, no home grown ones this year. 

With out much to harvest, I decided to have some cut flowers inside, I am not normally a fan of cutting flowers from our garden, I always prefer to see them growing, but we are not sitting outside very much, so a vase full  of pretty blooms inside brightens the mood. Having such a good show of flowers has helped, I cut these and still left loads blooming outside. 

I harvest some blueberries, the birds have had a feast on them, I will have to improve the netting around the plants, I had it too close and the birds got a good feast. Strawberries have just a few to ripen, raspberries again failed this year, we are getting one or two daily. 

I have potted up other plants, mainly flowers, useful to sell or use myself next year, this relentless rain has really caused me issues, the lower temperatures and grey days have played havoc in the veg section. I also think the eco balance of my garden has changed, I am hoping it will rebalance itself before next years planting.

On top of everything, we have seen loads of big rats running in our garden, we are sure our mad neighbour has stopped putting bird food out on her bird table, and like the huge pigeons they are in our garden looking for food. Hubby has set the traps, in hope to move them elsewhere, hubby sets them free in local woodland. Our neighbour refuses to let anyone onto her property, so neither us or the council are not able to track their nest, they are not afraid of us and run around when we are outside. 


  1. We've been struggling with some things on the allotment this year due to the weather mainly, but our potatoes got blight early too and we had to dig them up when they were pretty small. Tomatoes not doing great due to hardly any warmth and sunshine. Courgettes failed, peas gave very little harvest, but we're doing okay with lettuce, cucumber, fruit bushes and the beetroot looks like it's doing okay, which is a plus.

  2. Those rats sound horrendous (nothing at all like our pet ones!). I was pleasantly picturing you sitting looking out onto your garden on a summer evening - and then the thought of seeing a large rat passing through ... Ugh!

  3. Our veg plot has been a dismal failure so far. Hardly worth all the hard work!

  4. It's a disappointing year for so many gardens.
    Rats thrive no matter where but are not welcome visitors.

  5. Those cut flowers are beautiful.

  6. I think many have struggled with veggies in the garden this year.
    Your cut flowers look lovely.

    All the best Jan

  7. Many things are not growing very well here either. I think it was because of the very rainy weather, the hail and lack of heat. Hopefully things get a bit better very soon.
    Your flowers would brighten anyone's day.

    God bless.

  8. And I thought seeing the odd vole here and there was bad!! Can't imagine having rats running about. Your flowers are beautiful.

  9. The flower bed is gorgeous. Xx

  10. It's not been a great gardening year so far has it. I need to do do some garden management as well and pull out those things that have been a failure. There is always next year :-)
