Thursday 7 March 2024


 I unpicked the outer cover of this bag, I am replacing the front, back and bottom, which I had made in lightweight black leather. I used my new unpicking tool, which hubby gave me for Christmas, the wooden oversized handle made it much easier to use. Here you can see the spotty fabric for the two sides and the strap. 

Back in 2020, I was playing with french knots, and used this lovely material to make a circle of raised dots, I had in mind to use it for the top fold over flap of a bag. 

I did some sewing for a neighbour, cushions for her campervan, I was trying to show her how to make them, but ended up making them myself, she gave me the unused fabrics, which have been very handy in other makes. The black velvet is very sturdy and dense, perfect for this bag.
I am so happy with the finished bag, it now feels a good weight, sturdy enough to keep it's shape when things are inside, and useful size so I can pop things in. I made the sides and bottom in one piece, which gives it strength, it's fully lined so there is nothing weak about this make.
I knew this book would be good, I've read loads of her titles before, a clever plot set in a village/ small town along the south coast, loads of things happening, including gossip, a beautiful twist at the end. Book 20 read this year.

Monday we took the bus to town, had lunch out for a change, hubby was out in the afternoon so I walked to our library and then pottered for an hour outside, later I was tired and read.

Tuesday we had plans all day, but the weather gods changed everything, with rain all day, instead of dry weather. We did walk to our local Co-op for milk, I sat at the sewing machine, I also spent an hour importing post into my 2022 book, I'm over half way now and on plan and then time reading, as normal nothing on TV. 

Wednesday hubby was out in the morning, It was sunny blue skies but cold, I was again out in the garden, I have cut back loads of dead wood from our back fence, most of it Winter Jasmine, it now looks better, just pottering most of the day, we came back in at 4pm. Pure bliss, early shower and catch up on some TV. 


  1. It was a lovely sunny day yesterday, wasn't it - it was actually quite warm here.

  2. I remember you doing all those French knots, a real labour of love but so effective. The bag is both pretty and useful.

  3. I love the way you got that raised effect on the spot fabric. Very clever. Well done on altering this bag so that you will use it more often.

  4. French knots are the bane of most people's lives, from what I read. I don't like doing them, I must admit.
    Your bag looks so pretty.

  5. Having just fixed one of hubbys' boiler suits which the poppers had failed on by hand sewing button holes I wonder how long making those raised dots took!

  6. It's good to potter about in the garden when the weather allows.

  7. We have been fortunate to have some drier weather this week, and quite sunny today! Sounds that you got quite a lot done in the garden, you must be pleased.

    Have a good Friday and a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  8. What a lovely alteration on the bag. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    God bless.
