Sunday 20 June 2021

Lovely house

The front is now done, hubby painted both the white and the grey, I did think the grey was a bit light, but it looks good. It looks neat and tidy, just waiting for a new trellis to arrive to be placed between the windows for the rose, which already is growing back. 
Hubby has planted loads of lavender in here, it the english type and a Ceanothus Victoria, this one is a shrub, he does loves the blue flowers, we had a small shrub in our last house. We went with the stones as as ground cover, they keep the lavender stems dry, and they stop the foxes and cats digging and hopefully next year we won't see them as these plants grow and fill this space. 
This is the 2nd corner garden which has been planted for years, not my style of planting, but I do love it, hubby loves the cedar bark, it goes well with the shades of green. This bed is raised higher and next to the pavement. 
He chose 3 new pots for the side of the house, this is in front of the dustbins with heathers in and loads of grit on top. The other 2 pots are by our main entrance (side door) with Eucalyptus in, not my style of pot, but he loves them. The side of the house has not been painted yet, it's just too wet. 
Another plant I would not choose, Hydrangea, in the far corner, this is a smaller variety, and quite new, so it does have some growing to do. Last year we cut the dead heads off and then read you should leave them until the following spring, luckily the winter was not too harsh and it survived.  

 Our neighbours have given some lovely comments regarding the new look to the front of our house, we are both pleased with it, most of our conversations are on how we left it for so long. We have had the defusing blinds up since we moved it, the big window is our office space, the smaller window is the spare bedroom, I'm not keen on curtains and love the neat lines the blinds give us, I do have curtains but only in our 2 bedrooms. 

I am having a huge sort out at the bottom of the back garden, moving things out and making space for my composer, it's strange how you live with things for years and only once you decide to make changes can you see the improvements. 


  1. It looks very nice and didn't take long to complete. It's funny how we put off these jobs, a relief when they're finally done.

  2. It all looks very smart, well done to your hubby. Very different to your back garden, Marlene, but good that you both get to choose your own individual styles.

    1. I do love his style, but would miss all the colourful blooms.

  3. What an Improvement, well done.

  4. Very lovely. The grey and white really set the whole house off. Gives it an elegance.

    God bless.

  5. The front of the house looks lovely. It's so hard to decide on plantings, like what you chose :)

  6. Grey and white always look good together and are very 'in' at the moment too. Glad your hubby managed to get it all painted before the rain set in.

  7. How lovely, well done to hubby. Please may I borrow him?

    1. He still has the never-ending list here, luckily it's not as long as it was.

  8. It looks very nice and I like grey and white together.

    All the best Jan

  9. Th front of your house looks very smart. I like grey and white together,very stylish :-) keep well Amanda x
