Wednesday 23 June 2021

Bottom of the garden.

 This end of the garden is my working area, it's not that big, everything has to work hard to be here, I love my greenhouse, summer and winter it's always in use. The fruit tubs are doing well here, it was a good move. 


The raised bed is just giving me the blooms I have been craving, filling this corner with colour, this is often the dumping spot in the garden, normally filled with pots and my garden waste bag. 


My shed is a storage space, I have loads in there, in the winter months I store loads more and it's hard to get inside, but I don't normally need much during the cooler months. It does need a paint, I will have a go when the next few sunny days arrive. I love the mix of pots and plants here, it's also the best spot for my Hosta's. 

I have loved my wormery, but it's not big enough for all my garden waste, I have decided to clean it and sell it on, these are not cheap, the plastic is very sturdy, so there is a good 2nd hand value. My new composter will just fit in the space.

This is my new system, I am really excited about this hot bin, it's much smaller than normal composers and just fits into the only space I have, I can put bigger quantities in here and more diverse kitchen waste, with the hope of compost and still worm juice (liquid fertilizer to the rest of you). 

The bin had a 14 day delay stated on the website but was dispatched 2 days after placing my order. I am very hopeful this will help keep our footprint much smaller, all garden and kitchen waste will be made into compost, less purchasing compost in plastic bags, I'm pretty sure I won't make enough compost to stop us having to purchase it. 

I have had plastic compost bins before, but nothing like this, I was pleased to be able to get one with a base, we do suffer with mice in the garden and on occasions rats, and loads of flies, this bin once lid is shut is sealed, and reviews state it works well.

I have watched video's of how to set it up, read on how to keep it hot, we will have our own supply of shredded paper, and dried woody mater (from hubby's blower/sucker machine, which shreds when sucking), we can use the coffee waste from our pot and tea bags, egg shells and fruit skins and cores, and more food items, not that we waste much food. 

Thank you for all your comments regarding the new look to our home, I am much happier with the look, hubby loves his very different garden to mine. 



  1. Only a gardener can get excited about compost, lol. Will you sell the worms on too? I don't really know much about wormeries.

    1. The worms will be set free in my raised bed.

  2. You certainly seem well organised ...

    All the best Jan

  3. I want my husband to make me a composter, but he keeps putting it off. Perhaps this will be a purchase next year....

    Your back corner is well set up.

    God bless.

  4. What do you grow in your greenhouse ? Can we have a peek inside ? :)

  5. Lovely homemade compost is much better than the rubbish they are selling in may well be peat free, but there seems to be possibly more goodness in my dyson cannister emptying! x

    1. I stopped purchasing own brand and cheap compost years ago, B&Q was terrible, nothing grew in it. I don't use so much these days, but it can always be added to the garden.

  6. We have a similar hot bin that we purchased from our council. It seems to work well. In fact it tends to get a bit too hot and the worms keep trying to escape, so we have to make sure to put some card board shreddings in there to cool it down for them. OH has taken to leaving the lid slightly open to keep it a bit cooler for the worms and they seem happy enough with that.

    1. Thanks for the tip, I am watching the temperature dial rise with everything crossed it all works OK.
