Friday 12 February 2021

Oh so cold.

Tuesday morning, we did have more snow over night, but as you see we have missed most of it, which has disappointed Will so much. It was gone by early afternoon. It's just so cold, the house is lovely and warm, we are getting up later in the mornings, still giving me loads of time for reading and crafts.
Book 11, it was an interesting read, a book of 2 stories, the police and the bad guys, very honest as different people get caught up in the plot. It's one of a set, so other books would be easy to read as the same police officers will have a different case. I've now gone back to the last author to read the final 2 books written so far, for once I want to read what happens next. 
1st of SIL socks is finished, I am going to cast on the 2nd sock, should have done it brfore but I've been reading, his sock looks huge but the stretcher is for my size so not really working for his bigger size. 
I am loving my warm handknitted jumpers, I made this one a couple of years ago and have not worn it much, last winter was really mild. Please note hubby photo bombing.

This week is a stay at home, keep warm and find things to do, which for me is easy, I have so many crafts, knitting is top at the moment, but I have pulled another cross stitch WIP out to finish this month. I have to go out on Saturday for my covid jab, at 65 I was not expecting to be called anytime soon, but our local GP practice put a note on the local Facebook page in my age group (65-70) asking people to come forward for their jab, without hesitation I booked my appointment. 

Its a bad few weeks for my weight loss, I am craving sugar fixes, which for me means chocolate, and I am giving in to them, Cadbury cream eggs are top of the list, I normally try not to have these before March, but I can't resist them this year. Hubby is good, he not a chocolate person, but I see him shake his head every time I reach for a fix. 

Hubby and I were talking on how well/poorly we have been on various issues we wanted to change, we are pleased with stopping unnecessary 1 use plastics coming into our home, using our local shop is brilliant we take our own containers. We both are now wearing most of the contents of our wardrobe, reusing everything we can, less things coming into our home, we are not perfect at this, but much better than we were. But both agreed we are slipping on our meat free days, we both understand how much resources are required in the production of meat, we mainly eat chicken and fish, but we are not sticking to meat free days, so we agreed from 1st of March we would be vegetarian for 2 days each week, which is where we wanted to be, neither of us want to go fully vegetarian, but we both feel strongly on the need to cut back meat production. We do not eat such big portions, and often we get 4 portion and split them into 3 portions for us to share, we do have some lovely recipes, but hubby is looking for more, winter months with all the comfort foods had been harder for us. I do feel if everyone was able to be plant based 1 or 2 days every week it would help with so many things, including global warming, which would be easier than asking everyone to give up meat. The other subject I feel strongly on is the production of cheap food, it is very hard to value food which has cost so much to produce, but sells so cheaply, the amount if food wasted in the home, thrown out not used is discusting and I know most of you reading this do not waste food. But again if it cost more, the producers would have a fair price, the cost would match most of UK suppliers, less food miles, and less waste at home. Sorry packed my soap box away. 


  1. I agree Marlene, chicken pieces e.g. can be bought ridiculously cheap, and lots of people have no choice but to buy cheap food to feed their families. But what kind of conditions and life do these chickens have before being slaughtered? It doesn't bear thinking about. Like you, we don't want to go fully meat free, but will certainly be trying to have at least a couple of meat free days each week. And when we do eat meat, I shall be buying smaller quantities of higher welfare meat.

    1. we try as much as we can afford to buy local and as you say getting smaller amounts help with the price difference.

  2. It's so cold, isn't it? It's due to warm up next week though, double figures here if the forecast is to be believed, we'll see. I'm not reading or crafting very much at the moment, my mood has taken a nosedive just lately and I can't concentrate on very much, I think this lockdown is affecting people more than the first one did, probably due to the weather and not being able to get out in the sunshine like we did last year. We're big meat eaters here, though I do love veggies so I could easily go a couple of days each week meat free but Mick would be asking where his meat was if I put a plate of veggies in front of him, haha.

  3. I've discovered that with Amazon Prime I can get a Cadbury's Twirl bar for 43p with no delivery charge. I need the occasional chocolate fix and knowing I can get that has been a great comfort.

    1. I love this, sadly we have a Tesco express or a Co-op within walking distance from home, they both sell cheap chocolate. BUT I'm giving myself until March to enjoy the treats, March I will tighten my belt.

  4. My daughter is vegan and I admire her for her for being so conscientious. Hubby and I are meat eaters and I doubt I could stick to a vegan diet. We have a couple of tubs of chocolates left over from Christmas and I hope I can be good and keep them until Easter but I doubt it somehow.

  5. I applaud you on all your efforts to live a simpler life for the environment. I need to get back to that, I have been stress shopping a bit lately and that is just not good. Thank you for telling me your leggings story, I know I am not alone in loving them! Stay safe and by the way your knitting is gorgeous.

  6. I have been eyeing Cadbury Mini Eggs every time I have been shopping so far I have managed to escape the temptation, But I am not sure how much longer I will be able to withstand it.

    What a great job you have done on your various issues. It is always a work in progress and I think you have done marvelously well.

    God bless.

  7. I don't really eat much meat these days, a few slices of ham here and there, chorizo or chicken on a pizza, or an occasional bacon sandwich. I don't really miss it at all. I still eat fish though maybe once a week or a fortnight. I'm doing a lot of reading in this cold weather too. I'm currently reading one of your recommendations - The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. It's good, thanks for the heads up. I bought The Love Song of Queenie Hennessey too, so will be reading that next.
