Saturday 13 February 2021


I love these pots, they are a nice size and were a good price, a bit of fun for the kitchen. 
I have been purchasing fresh parsley and coriander, they never regrow, and I am adding to the plastic plants pots, which I don't need. So these will look lovely on the kitchen windowsill, at the moment they are filled with compost in our warm sunny office, once the soil is warm I will sow seeds. 
I purchased the lovely yarn for SIL socks and was told it was lost in the post, so I ordered these wonderful colours, the following day the missing yarn arrived. Opal is perfect sock yarn, so I have plenty now to knit with. This year I am not making knitted socks for gifts, other than those who ask for them. 
These silk Alliums are just what I was looking for last summer, to add to the vase of silk summer flowers, they came from Dunelm, ordered online and a good price, all 3 for the cost of 1 bloom elsewhere. 
This little shelf is perfect in the greenhouse, all my small pots can be displayed together, often the tiny pots look lost, this year I want to add to my collection of stranger looking plants, often they are sold as tiny plants. 

Like so many people I am spending more time online, looking for ideas, filling time, these days if you look at anything, your social media is then full of reminders of what you have been viewing. I am seeing  everywhere Tia the turtle, I love her and I would like her, but check the price, really!! is it just me, it's very overpriced, I can afford one, but really, is it theft overpricing. 

Nothing I have purchased was expensive, other than the yarn, each purchase was under £20, other than the plant pots, they were items I have been looking for, most since last summer.  

I have had my covid jab this morning at our local GP surgery, I knew it would all go smoothly, hubby had his jab there 2 weeks ago. My brother will have his jab next week, so the protection is rolling out, still we will stay at home, even if its boring, I would love to spend time in the greenhouse or garden, it's just too cold. I am itching to sow seeds, still a bit too early, I don't have so many this year, just 5 different flowers. 

So back to the Internet, I can read and knit only for so long, what are you doing to pass time in this lockdown. 


  1. I love your two little planters, they're so cute, and Tia the Turtle is lovely, such a great way to display plants, but I agree, I wouldn't pay that amount, so expensive. Then again, if I really really loved her perhaps I would. We all deserve a little treat every so often, or how about asking for her as a gift, or ask several people to club together and buy her as a birthday or Christmas gift. Yes, life is quite boring at the moment being locked indoors. I have so many hobbies that I shouldn't ever be bored but my mood is such that I can't even bring myself to get on with them at the moment, I just feel as though I'm wasting my days. Roll on the better weather when we can get outdoors more.

    1. I think you have summed up how so many feel, we are all sociable and need interaction with others. Online is great, good social media works for everyone, but we need face to face interaction, spring/summer lockdown was bearable because we could go out and feel the sun on our skins. This lockdown we are hidden inside, not good for us, praying for release when it's safe.

  2. Those pots are lovely, just the kind of things I am attracted to and would buy. I went outside to hang some washing out earlier as it's very windy and discovered it is bitterly cold. I'm doing Sudoku puzzles to keep my brain active and watching mindless television programmes I'm afraid.

  3. I am having a restless day today. after a week of glorious sun it’s down to 1 deg and keeps trying to snow. Some days you just don’t know what to do and spend the whole time doing nothing, I think that is allowed now and again.

  4. Your pots are lovely. Nearly everyone I know has had their vaccine but I haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully soon.

  5. I'm finding it hard to fill the day with anything interesting. We've both been watching more TV than ever before and catching up with Netflix programmes we missed. I'm knitting a bit but have no patience to craft and my jigsaw is hard work, all the pieces look the same! We're just itching to get into the garden and the allotment.
    Glad your vaccine is imminent. Great news 🙂

  6. What cute planters. They are going to be lovely on your window sill.

    Those yarn colours are gorgeous.

    God bless.

  7. It must feel reassuring to have had the jab at last. From everything I've read and heard they seem to be doing a marvellous job at getting through the lists quickly.
    I love those little pots. They'll be perfect for growing your herbs. X

  8. So glad you were able to get your vaccine, wish we were moving as fast over here. Love your new yarn.

  9. Love your little plant pots, I have two very similar but nothing to put in one of them at the moment.
    I must admit that I'm not feeling bored at all, neither of us are ones for socialising so apart from me loosing my job through all this our lives are pretty much the same as they were, lol However, I do miss going to work, not for the people so much as for the feeling of being useful.
    Hope everything is going ok after your jab, can't say i'm looking forward to it being my turn i'm afraid though.
