Monday 5 October 2020

Rain drops

With the changing season comes a new display on my kitchen windowsill, nothing here is new, the oak and the brambles were purchased last year, the pumpkin in countless years old. The acorns were collected by Will. This is a very tactile display, and my favourite of the year. I do have one other china pumpkin, which I don't use here.
I have had these two wooden acorns again for years, I love everything wood, and can't resist the touch of polished wooden items, these stay on display in my side of the office. 
Our seating area, and along the fence, I have cut back all the raspberries and packed away all the beautiful supports in my shed, soon it will be time to cover this table and chair set from the wet winter weather. The table was new this year but the bench and chairs are over 20 years old. 
The Cosmos along the side bed are huge and full of flowers, my homegrown plug plants in the propagator are a good size, I will be able to plant them soon, They are all going into pots around the garden and drive. 
No damage over the weekend, just so very wet. 

Book 3 in the Cincinnati series, another huge book, 613 pages, full again of much the same as the previous 2 books, just with new people added into the mix, it is basically a continuing story line. 65th book read this year. 
The heating is now on each morning, we have changed our alarm to sound at 8am instead of 7am, there is no reason to be up any earlier these darker mornings, we wake up to Zowie Ball on radio 2 weekdays, the alarm is not used on weekend mornings. Every sign of summer is gone for this year, the garden has huge spider webs, moist each mornings, grey skies, rain and windy. Plants are settling down, leaves are changing colour and dropping, preparing for the cold weather to come, I have noticed a heavy amount of berries this year, my mum always said it was a sign of a cold snowy winter to come, mother nature fattening up her animals for the long winter ahead.

The relentless rain has stopped this morning, we are expecting rain later, out of the last 7 days only one has been dry, which is not normal for the area of south Hampshire where I live, our water table will be high, but we are not at risk of flooding,  so there must be a positive side. I have a clean house and have done loads more crafting, I have started thinking about my design for this years Christmas cards, again I want to use my stash to make them, whilst it has shrunk, I still have loads I can use. 


  1. We had a lot of rain on Saturday but it wasn't too bad yesterday. The nights are certainly drawing in now though, I hate to lose the evening light. Your little seasonal displays are lovely.

  2. We had the heavy rain on Saturday, it was miserable. Yesterday was lovely and sunny and not at all like the original forecast, so we went for a walk in the woods and gathered some acorns. Your wooden ones are beautiful. I love your seasonal window display. X

  3. How nice to have a seasonal shelf. Those acorns do look very tactile.

  4. Days and days of heavy rain here and it's so cold, more like Winter than Autumn. I do like your wooden acorns, they do look very tactile.

  5. Oh could we use a good soaking rain!! It is warming up a tad here once again after many days of below average temperatures. Walking in the morning is much more pleasant.

    Love those wooden acorns. Gorgeous.

    God bless.

  6. I love that idea of Mother Nature fattening up her animals - I have not heard it put like that before but it really resonates with me.
    Your kitchen display is pretty :)

  7. Rain here for two days, more of a constant drizzle than proper rain. Lawn has finally gone green and butts are full. Your autumnal display is lovely.

  8. I think your seasonal display looks lovely.
    Some of our neighbours have put an Autumnal wreath on their doors, they look nice to.

    All the best Jan

  9. I love your windowsill display, autumn is favourite season of mine and those wooden acorns are beautiful! My cosmos is still going strong, despite the wind :)
