Saturday 3 October 2020

Losing myself

I am enjoying having cross stitch on the go again, it's a peaceful thing to do, these designs are not to big, I still have to count very carefully, but I am loving the design. I am also not changing any colours, normally I start to add different shades to make the design mine. 

I have not checked in with my weight loss, I still have about 8 pounds to lose, my BMI is closer to where it should be, I will struggle to get to my suggested weight, so I am aiming for a comfortable level, my BMI was 29.5 at the start, and I have lost 5" off my waist, I am now more a pear shape before I was apple shape. I am getting closer to the green section.

Our weight loss stalled through August and September, loads of birthday cake and BBQ's as we mingled again, I was not worried, hubby and I decided we would enjoy the weeks with family. So at the start of October I am just half a pound heaver than I was on 1st August, which is pleasing, hubby put on 2 pounds. So we are back on the controlled eating ( I hate being on a diet). The thrill of popping on clothes which I love and not worn for years is unbelievable, I still have a small muffin top, which has shrunk and my hope is to get rid of it. I keep imagining 20 pounds of butter, sitting on a tray, that's what I have lost so far. 

We are helping ourselves by taking part in a T21 challenge, where you do anything involved with 21, ie 21 days, 21 times or 21 miles.  October is Downs Syndrome awareness month and it's a big fundraiser month. So for 21 days we are not having any wine, no treats, no lunch out, we will have a list and add the cost of the things we are not purchasing and at the end we will donate the money to our local branch at Portsmouth. The support both our daughter and SIL has received has been brilliant, from the very early days to now and the development of George, all done by volunteers, our daughter has done a fundraiser, and raised almost £2,000. T21 is the common name for one of the forms of Downs Syndrome, and it's the one George has, it's used often, lots of accounts on Instagram have T21 in their names. We start on Monday 5th until Sunday 25th. 

As I type hubby is making another batch of vegetable soup and home made bread, which on cooler days is our lunch, we both love the soups, no two batches ever taste the same. Porridge is back on the breakfast menu for me, so we are purchasing more milk, our evening meals will be smaller as the daytime meals become more filling. Our walking is slowing, it's never nice to walk in the rain, and it has been raining the past couple of days here (good for the garden as our ground was so dry), with loads more to come. 


  1. Your cross stitch is looking good. I haven't finished the first day yet but I'm loving stitching on it, nice and relaxing. Good luck with your challenge, giving up treats is hard to stick to but I know you'll smash it.

  2. The cross stitch is lovely and well done on your weight loss

  3. Your stitching is growing nicely, how will you finish it?
    Well done with the weight loss. I was doing really well before lockdown, I'd lost almost a stone but have probably put it all back on again! It's hard being at home all the time, i find I'm snacking more. Good luck with your fund raising, such a good cause.

  4. I love the reduced colour range, it's really effective. The transition into cooler weather makes me crave carbs, so I have to be strong.

  5. I like the idea of "controlled eating" rather than "dieting"!
    Your cross-stitch is looking really nice.

  6. I had hit a plateau in weight loss and now have gained a bit back. Time to step things up....portion control and low calorie snacks is what I try for.

    Love the cross stitch.

    God bless.

  7. Your cross titch is lovely. It's just the weather for homemade soup with some crusty bread but I wish it would stop raining. Well done on your weight loss.

  8. Love the cross stitching. Its going to look very pretty

    Julie xxxxxx

  9. I like the look of your cross stitching.
    Well done on your weight loss.
    Good luck with your fund raising.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan
