Tuesday 21 April 2020

Lock down week 5

Lemon drizzle cake, and a lonely blueberry and lemon muffin, there were 5, but by the time I took the photo, hubby and I enjoyed one each, and I had passed 2 to our neighbours.
 A small quiche, using half the ingredients from this post, I added cheese, bacon, chives, tomato and mushrooms. It will make a few lunches for me, hubby does not eat cheese, I normally make a cheese-less one for him, but he decided he did not fancy one.  
Hubby made a large loaf for the neighbours at the bottom of our garden, the yeast they got us, has been shared again. They said they needed nothing, but everyone loves fresh baked bread. They swapped it for some bread flour they saw and got us.
Time has been spent in the garden, every day I'm in the greenhouse, watching my seeds grow, I tidy the beds and check the water for the birds, our patio doors are fully open, so the house and garden blur into one space, which is lovely.
We had our first mini BBQ, it felt a bit strange, to be enjoying ourselves, when so many are working hard and placing themselves on the front line. I am struggling to ditch a fog which is around me, we have no issues, family are all well, most are working from home, or at home, at my age, most of mine and hubby's siblings are retired. Our children are mostly at home, those who work are protected, my niece is a care worker, she has moved in with her work mate, but it's just across the road from her home, so she sees her children everyday from a distance.
I am doing housework and gardening and some craft, but I don't have any energy or inspiration to start anything, it was sad to clean windows yesterday, there were no finger marks left by Will, like everyone else I am missing our grandsons.
I am beginning to understand how much we need interaction with other people, walking to the village was more social than need for shopping, to pop to our lovely bistro for a coffee or lunch, or just a mooch around our charity shops.  Social distancing is very isolating, just being inside, when you walk around for your daily exercise, some people give the stranges of looks, most give a cheery hello.
I am hoping the UK has reached the peak, figures are flattening and the terrible deaths recorded each day has dropped, so I have everything crossed, it now comes down to waiting and then managing the opening up of our world. As much as I am not enjoying lock down, I would rather it went on a bit longer and we emerged safely, hopefully to a better world. 


  1. Your baking looks delicious. I'm sure your neighbours were thrilled with their freshly baked bread, nothing tastier. I think it will be a very long time until the country is back to normal, even after lockdown the virus will still be present so we'll still have to take precautions until there's a vaccine. The lower deaths being recorded just shows that the lockdown is working, we're not coming into contact with others so the virus isn't spreading as quickly as it would do otherwise but who knows what would happen if everyone could go about their business as usual.

  2. I agree with what you are saying in this post. Despite all being well in our families, it is very hard to motivate yourself, as the lack of social interaction and in my case whilst exercising with other people, is very isolating. It does make you realise how much you bounce of the energy and positivity of others on a daily basis in normal life and I miss that. We are incredibly lucky and I realise and fully acknowledge that, so I'm not complaining at all, but I too experience similar feelings to you at times in this respect.

  3. Beautiful baking … and who doesn't like lemon cake … delicious.

    All the best Jan

  4. I think the world-after-lockdown is going to look a bit different to how it used to be - but at least we will be able to give our loved ones cuddles and it will be great to talk face-to-face with friends again (face-timing is all very well, but I much prefer to do things in person).
    Stay safe, and remember that these times will pass. Mxx

  5. Your baking looks delicious, I love lemon drizzle cake and blueberry muffins!
    Sounds like you have lovely neighbours, how nice to share provisions, especially homemade ones.
    The glasshouse definitely needs lots of watering in this fabulous weather we are having.

    Take care :)

  6. Your neighbours are very lucky. I know exactly how you feel re the motivation. I came home from work and sat on my bum. I have a zillion things I could do, but wanted to do none!

  7. Lovely cake. A wonderful gesture to share a loaf with your neighbours. I've been in for 39 days now, only nipped to the dr for my chemo blood test, was out the house 15 mins. I cant believe I've been home so long. I'm enjoying the slower pace, but really missing my book group ladies, some are older and I can only chat on the phone with them, others I can facetime chat which is nice. Enjoy the sunshine.
