Thursday 16 April 2020

A new start

Hubby made a weetabix cake, I saw it on someone's blog, I'm sorry I forgot who, daughter provided us with just 2 weetabix to make the cake, she dropped them off with our shopping. Really nice cake, lovely with our afternoon coffee. I made more quiches, this time no meats, I added some fresh chives which lifted the flavours. 
 I have had this ball for years, it's the silver paper wrappers from Easter eggs, it's solid. We only really get silver paper on our Easter eggs, so the ball grows slowly. It's so old, I can't remember when I started it, our girls were still at home.  I have one more wrapper to add, but only after the chocolate is all gone. 
Another good book finished, I am reading on my ipad, not my favorite way, but I do have a good selection of books. This being my 23rd read in 2020.
So I have started Tunisian crochet, I found a video on you tube, I chose this one because of 2 reasons, 
1st you only chain for the first square, the rest are added to as you make it up, I am terrible when I have to make a long chain. 
2nd, it's square and not a diamond edge, my crochet is not good enough to sort edges into straight sides. 
 This was following the instructions and doing square of 10 stitches, it looked good, but the squares are small, and in truth, I never thought I could just start and make a blanket.
So I started again with a much bigger hook, 4.5 and using 12 stitches,  this feels much better, I can see in my mind how I want this to look.  I am using Drops baby Merino, 4ply and adding all the hand dyed mini's from Burrow & Soar, I want to mix two  using the colours shown here.
I am making rows of colour and within each colour section I am adding the contrast colours, just one or two squares per row. 
I think I am going to enjoy this project. 
I was never going to be as productive as last week, I really was on a mission to finish things, so this week is all about learning something new, slowing down and enjoying the start of a new creation. The hardest part I found is making the 1st square on each row tidy and ensuring the 2nd square is placed correct, on my 1st attempt, I had also done a row of pink, but decided to unpick to reuse as I wanted the squares bigger, then I remembered I wanted a photo. This is the only item in my work basket, but I am thinking about starting another pair of socks.
We have been for another cycle ride, hubby took me further away, almost into town, along the golf course beside our creek, 6 miles in total. I have promised to take a camera next time, but the tide does need to be in. I am enjoying being able to to go further away from home, we won't use the car, and we are always out for less than an hour, we both look forward to our daily exercise. The only down side is the exercise makes me cough, and with hay fever around I am already coughing, I worry our neighbours will think I have the virus. 


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed The Story of Us, that's one of my favourites by this author. I haven't picked a book up at all since before Easter, my reading mojo seems to have just vanished, I'm sure it'll come back. I've never tried Tunisian crochet, I like the fabric it produces.

  2. I am in awe of someone who can learn crochet via YouTube. My hands just wont go where I want them too! The cake and crochet look good.

  3. I never really enjoyed Tunisian crochet. Your blanket is going to look lovely. My hayfever is terrible this year, it makes me cough too although I don't sneeze much, the worst thing is the itchy eyes and nose, so bad I could tear them off my face.

    1. I don't normally suffer to bad with hay fever, but the pollen levels are high this year, both my daughters suffer.

  4. Tunisian crochet looks interesting. I'm trying to get things finished too while i'm at home and have more time.
    I posted about Weetabix cake on my blog a few weeks ago, so it could be there where you saw it, glad you liked it :-)

    1. Thank you Maggie, we loved the weetabix cake. Tunisian crochet us really simple, I'm loving it.

  5. That looks very much akin to entrelac knitting - of which I have unfinished project somewhere. Thank you for your lovely comment on today's post just now but I think I hit delete instead of publish!

  6. I'm sorry to hear you are suffering hayfever, that isn't much fun to have. Your cycle ride sounds lovely, as does the cake. Have fun with your blanket :)

  7. Love how that crochet looks. I do wish I knew how to do that. Perhaps I should watch some YouTube and see if it can teach this old dog a new trick or two.

    God bless.

  8. The silver paper ball is incredible.
    I really must try the Weetabix cake, one of our neighbours keeps dropping off half a cake for us to enjoy so might be a while before I get round to it.
    Well done on the bike ride, lovely in the recent sunshine I bet.
    The crochet looks great.
