Thursday 26 March 2020

Living in isolation.

If you are fed up with knitting, I'm sorry, but the desire to get this done, is high and I am on a roll. 1st sleeve is finished and fits well, and is the correct length. 
 I can't wait to wear this 
I really want to start my crochet, but  also want to finish this, knitting, it's a very simple design, and I have plenty of time to craft. I have also been sorting out sewing, I have a kingsize quilt cover to cut down and make 2 cot quilt covers, they will be done by Friday, when daughter drops off our shopping. I have also packed the nappies, baby formula and other things we won't need, next time we see George he will have grown loads. Also we have made a pack for Will, some of my children's craft things, a few treats and a packet of cheddar crackers, which he loves. I can leave the bag on our door step. This week when she dropped items off, I cried as she drove away, no cuddles, we do see them often on video calls, but as we all know this is hard.
On line shopping is very hit and miss, we don't want to have to go in any supermarkets, our daughter is finding different ways to shop, she went to purchased fruit and veg boxes, on a farm as a drive through, using a card payment. She is brilliant, and wants to keep us at home, everything is dropped off at door step.
Our neighbours have managed an online shop with home delivery, which is pleasing, but I did leave them with the offer I would collect any shopping for them, but not go into supermarkets. We are semi rural here so it helps with the farm shops.
We are both spending time on line each morning, normally we would move away from our computers much earlier, but we have loads of time, so we are not rushing anything. I try an do housework each day, the downstairs wooden floors are dusty most days, hubby does the laundry and ironing. Later in the afternoon we sit, I knit and hubby reads, I have not picked a book up for over a week, but I have books here to read. If we are in the garden it tends to be around lunch time early afternoon, but there is little to do, other than the green house.
We do not watch daytime TV, I love the morning radio on radio 2. Hubby was given an Alexa for Christmas, we were not sure what we would do with it, but we have found it's a great source of music, we can decide what we want to listen to, it's very calming, just music, no chatter and no Cronavirus.


  1. People's lives are very different from usual at the moment, I'm sure we'll all settle into a new routine in time, it's all still very new at the moment. On a couple of occasions I've found myself saying I'm going to do something and then realising that I can't. At least those of us with hobbies will never get bored, and luckily, I've got quite a stash of yarn so I won't run out. Not being able to see family and friends is very sad though, especially when there's babies in the family who you're split from just now.

  2. At least knitting and other crafts are a welcome distraction at this time. Stay safe.

  3. What a wonderful daughter you have, so caring and helpful. It is so hard not to have those cuddles, so hopefully this time will not last too long. Mxx

  4. Marlene, referencing your comment at mine about seeds - just back from Asda who have all their vegetable seeds on “3 packets for £4”. This seemed to apply to everything.

  5. I think we all might manage to get quite a few projects completed during this time. I really do love the sweater you are making.

    God bless.

  6. We too are struggling with not seeing the children and having a cuddle, its just not the same chatting over the phone is it. We too are having shopping left on the doorstep by family for health reasons. New routines, and no we don't have the TV on till evening either.
    love and blessings x
