Wednesday 25 March 2020

Green fingers.

Tidy, just how I like it
 This week has been beautiful
 ready for time to sit outside
 I have flower seeds, but the compost is a bit wet, so I will leave to dry and warm up. The seeds are some I won and some I purchased last year. 
 Moving things around to make space
 Even gave the shed a tidy
Most of my metal birds are out.
It is still a bit early to place tender plants from the greenhouse, but we have done loads of tidying around the place. Hubby uncovered the wooden table and chairs, much earlier than other years, but we decided we need the garden this year to be our sanctuary and give us outside space.
I am hoping to sow the flower seeds today, and get things growing, I have already sown a small tray of lettuce leaves, they are cut and come again, so should help soon. I have soaked clean some tomato seeds from a tomato in hope I can grow a plant. I am really enjoying time in the garden, it feels  normal, in these strange times.
I have this week knocked on our horrible neighbours door to offer help, they do not have a car, and online shopping slots are all booked up, hubby made them a loaf of bread, we have been chatting at a distance, I can't watch anyone suffer. I can't do any more for them, I will collect any shopping they book for click and collect.
I have done some more baking making 2 small quiches, using just 2 eggs, it a good way to make a couple of useful meals, only for me hubby is not keen, but he has other things he likes. We managed to get some mince beef, a bit bigger pack than normal, so hubby bulked it out and made 3 Sheppard pies, one is in the fridge and 2 are frozen.


  1. Your garden looks fabulous, Marlene. How kind of you to offer horrible neighbours help, that must have taken the wind out of their sails! Thank you for the tip about transferring photos off my phone, it worked, thanks a lot.

  2. I've been in the garden too a few times over the last few days. It feels great to get out there and get some fresh air. I feel very lucky we have a garden here in London as there are many people who don't have the luxury and it must make life hard during the lockdown.

  3. How tidy your garden is! It looks lovely. I’m faced with getting my garden under control after a year of neglect because of knee operations but what lovely weather to garden in x

  4. It would be lovely if this weather lasts a while, I think we'll definitely feel cooped up if we're unable to get outdoors at all. I think you've shown your neighbours that you're the bigger person, as you say, you can't do any more than offer.

  5. The recent weather and having a garden are making the current situation doable. No greenhouse in this house but I may get a popup one.

  6. How I would love to come sit with you in your lovely garden. Mine is not yet so tidy but some day!

  7. Your back garden looks so nice and inviting. It will be a lovely sanctuary for you both, I am sure.
    I am so glad you are mending bridges with your neighbour. We all need to pull together to get through this time.
    Sending lots of happiness your way :) xx

  8. Your garden looks lovely with all this sunshine it's hard to believe everything that's going on in the world. That's very kind of you to help out your neighbour, especially when they have been nasty in the past. I'm trying to make our food go a bit further too, although Mark is not a big eater, he will eat breakfast and then not bother with anything until tea time. Take care and enjoy your garden while the weather is nice :-)

    1. I often miss a meal, either breakfast or lunch.

  9. That blue sky in your photos indeed looks beautiful, Marlene. How very kind of you to think of your neighbours and help in whatever way you can. MegXx

  10. We've uncovered our garden furniture too and been enjoying a cup of tea sitting outside in the recent sunshine. Well done on helping out with the horrid neighbour, hopefully they will take note of your kindness.

  11. Your garden looks lovely.
    It has been wonderful to see the sunshine this past week … long may it continue.

    All the best Jan
