Sunday 30 December 2018

Ripple time

 Another round of colours done

 Pulled down to the overhang length I require

I can see the finish line here, I am so pleased I stared a new blanket, this is exactly how I wanted it to look, covering the whole bed with a lovely amount hanging down.
I have returned the patchwork cover from this bed back to my sister, she made it many years ago, and was happy for me to use it for as long as I wished.
I hope to have this finished before Jan 12th, we have a friend staying and it would look good to have the ripple blanket on the bed.


  1. The blanket is looking just gorgeous, Marlene, I'm sure you'll finish it by the time your visitor comes. I've done nothing on my sweet pea colours one recently, too much else to do, but will get back to it possibly this afternoon, you've reinspired me seeing yours. Happy new year to you.

  2. Wow, that must have taken some time to make but its beautiful.

  3. Wonderful! So colourful! You must crochet very fast! I have just about finished crocheting a small blanket for my sister-in-law. It just needs tidying up and a wash to soften it. I will post about it when it's finished. Best, Jane x

  4. It looks great. It's definitely worth starting over if you're not happy with something, if it's worth doing it's worth doing right. I'm sure you'll be much happier now that the blanket is exactly how you wanted it.

  5. what a beautiful blanket. Love the colourway.

  6. Oh, your blanket is brilliant, and I love the colours.

    All the best Jan

  7. What a clever lady you are. It's beautiful.

  8. It's beautiful and looks very cosy.

  9. I can't believe how quickly you finishes this. It's beautiful.

  10. WOW! the blanket is gorgeous

    Julie xxxxx
